Winning with Sales Navigator

How I Converted a Prospect Using a Sales Navigator Alert

The key to success in social selling lies in building authentic connections and delivering genuine value at every touchpoint.

Recently, I leveraged a content to conversation strategy on LinkedIn that transformed a key buyer into a client in under 30 days.

By focusing on meaningful engagement, leveraging relevant content, and maintaining a value-first mindset, I was able to create a genuine connection that led to productive conversations and, ultimately, a new client.

This campaign showcases how slowing down your outreach can speed up outcome, by focusing on building credibility and rapport.

By detaching from what the prospect was worth to me and attaching to what I was worth to the prospect, I could bring real value to the table, earning the right to get the first call.

This approach not only resulted in a successful prospect conversion but also demonstrated the power of thoughtful, value-driven social selling strategies.

Step 1: Identifying the Opportunity.

Using Sales Navigator Alerts, I noticed a saved lead who was a key buyer in a top account sharing content about selling to GenXers. Recognizing the relevance and potential for engagement, I took immediate action.

Step 2: Engaging with the Content.

I commented on the post, adding thoughtful insights and engaging with the topic. To amplify the interaction, I tagged a few of my colleagues to get their perspectives and increase visibility.

Step 3: Exploring Relevant Hashtags.

Seeing that the post included the hashtag #GenX, I clicked on it to find additional content on focusing on a similar topic. This helped me gather more insights and resources that could be valuable to the prospect.

Step 4: Saving Valuable Content.

I came across a video on marketing to #GenX, and a few more interesting pieces which I bookmarked for future reference. This proactive step ensured I had relevant content ready to share.

Step 5: Sending a Personalized Connection Request.

I sent the prospect a connection request with a personalized message: “I enjoyed the post you shared around selling to GenX. I recently came across content around marketing to GenX - if you are open, let’s connect and I can send you a link.” This approach was designed to provide value and build rapport.

Step 6: Sharing Resources through SmartLinks.

Upon connecting, I shared the bookmarked posts using a SmartLink, and included additional resources on social selling that I had published. This not only provided value but also tracked the prospect’s engagement with the content.

Step 7: Following Up with Value.

Noticing that the prospect viewed all the resources and downloaded my eBook, I reached out the next day: “I hope you found the content I shared helpful. I have additional insights on LinkedIn for Sales success. If you are interested in a brief conversation, please let me know your preferred way of scheduling. If it happens to be via calendar link, here is mine, please choose a time that works best for us to talk.”

The Outcome

The subsequent conversation was incredibly productive. By detaching from what the prospect was worth to me and attaching to what I was worth to the prospect, I could bring real value to the table. This approach exemplified the principle of “slow down your outreach to speed up the outcome,” and the prospect became a client in less than 30 days.

This is one of many Sales Navigator campaigns that sales professionals can use to start trust-based conversations, without being salesy.

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