About 🐕🦺 Susi 🐾 und 👩 Bettina 🐌
Wuff Wuff und Hallo,Susi, ein Norfolk Terrier Mädchen und Bettina sind unterwegs im wunderschönen Eifel- und Moselland. Wir sind Naturgänger und lassen uns auf unseren Wegen viel Zeit.
Wir genießen die herrliche Landschaft in der wir leben dürfen und das mit Liebe und Respekt gegenüber der Natur und mit Leidenschaft und viel Humor.Unser Hobby ist das "Abenteuer" – immer wieder schlittern wir, gewollt und ungewollt in spannende Situationen, die uns sogar selbst mit dem Kopf schütteln lassen.
"The only Limit is the one you set yourself"Von unseren Touren und Erlebnissen berichten wir mit vielen Fotos und langen Geschichten und freuen uns immer wieder, wenn es unter den Wanderern auch Leser gibt. Nach einer Tour gesund und munter zu Hause ankommen, den Rucksack voll gepackt mit tollen Erlebnissen und schönen Erinnerungen, das ist unser Ziel!Habt eine wanderhafte Zeit
♥ Susi und BettinaEs gibt uns auf Facebook und Instagram - Whatsapp haben wir natürlich auch - einfach in einem Kommentar nachfragen
2,324 km
596:11 h
Recent Activity
- November 8, 2022
Finally, my glasses can be picked up!
So I'm going to Mayen, the mouse has to stay at home, unfortunately!
To see if I could manage with the glasses, I walked a few more steps through the city center - everything was great, I have a clear view again!
New shoes, new glasses (actually there are two) and soon…
- November 6, 2022
Susi wants to check on Bertrich.
So we drive to Bad Bertrich and walk past the swan pond through the movement garden, a bit along Bertricher Strasse and then back through the movement garden to the parking lot.
Susi meets some dogs and has a lot to sniff around. Actually, she stops at every tree, bush…
- November 5, 2022
After the last blister I bought new hiking shoes.
The first test run took place today – initially just a small, cautious lap around the Schalkenmehrener Maar. We still lacked that for the start of the new hiking tour.
Everything is perfect, the shoes fit and nothing pinches or scrapes.
I am very, very happy…
- October 22, 2022
Thanks to Aldi's blister plaster, the blister has healed well. So green light for the next adventure only the weather doesn't play along.
The last few days it's been nasty, wet and we want to take it slow and only hike if the weather is kind to us two sunshines!
Today is such a day and we lace up our hiking…
- October 10, 2022
Once again we are drawn to Lutzerath in the forest.
If the weather is just as nice as on Sunday, we will enjoy our forest bath on the forest well-being path.
Of course we swing in the hammock and we are amazed at the interesting mushrooms we find.
We thought it was stupid that someone took the two large…
- October 9, 2022
Well, we're not quite on the right track because today we forgot the memory card in the camera and have to take pictures with our cell phones.
This with fantastic autumn weather and a great view at the Eifelblick or also called Skywalk.
We're still going easy, oh my, it's going to be a while before we…
- October 6, 2022
Today we go to the Heidsmühle near Manderscheid.
There are enough parking spaces directly at the hotel and first let's see what has changed here.
This place was also destroyed by the flood a good year ago. In the meantime, the catering business has been moved to the outside and an "alpine hut" has been…
- October 5, 2022
Today Susi is looking after the Hetsche Queen at the Holzmaar.
We poach one of the stones we found and on the way back we see that it has already been found.
In the Hetschenwald, too, it is no longer the same as we experienced and encountered on previous hikes.
Some storms have cracked more trees and some…
- October 3, 2022
After we marveled at our new grandchild yesterday (I'm now a proud double grandmother), Susi and I plan on going to the next body of water: the Jungferweiher.
We know almost every stone on this circular route and are all the more surprised when we realize that a lot has happened there in our year of abstinence…
Today we do a little round at Greimersburg to the Zickeslei.
We've been there before, but today we only went half the way.
The new shoes are great!
The condition still in bad shape.
But it was nice, we take our time and enjoy the forest with all our senses.
When we were on our way home, we saw bulky waste…