About G G
An dieser Stelle wollen wir eine Lanze für die Wanderführer aus dem Natur- und Bergverlag Rölke brechen. Bei Rölke gibt es eben keine 0815-Wanderungen, dafür manch unmarkierten Pfad und interessanten Abstecher, dazu viele Informationen über die Landschaft, Flora, Fauna und Historie. Einige unserer Touren würde es ohne Rölke nicht geben. Wer mehr über die Wanderregionen erfahren möchte, ist mit diesen Wanderführern echt gut bedient.
Auch die Wanderführer aus dem Heimatbuchverlag Michael Bellmann sind sehr hilfreich. Unterschiedlich aufgebaut, andere Schwerpunkte, so ergänzen sich Rölke und Bellmann doch gut.
4,977 km
1235:35 h
Recent Activity
- December 31, 2024
We hadn't been on the Brüderweg for long, but it was a pleasure again today. We didn't follow the markings with the forester Claus, but instead followed the unmarked Schäfersteig through meadows and constantly in the sun. We can recommend the rest area in front of Kleinopitz on a hill with a beautiful…
- 03:3516.9 km4.7 km/h330 m340 m
- December 27, 2024
Thanks to all Komoot users who reported on this corner. You didn't promise too much. We hadn't already noticed that, the sandstone rocks are worth seeing and the forest trail there is truly idyllic.
The trigger was actually a boundary stone from 1775 (electoral forest/Kammerhof Markersbach), which is…
- 03:4917.6 km4.6 km/h590 m600 m
- December 26, 2024
Finally back in the fresh air. As expected, there were few people at these hotspots today, but we were surprised and rewarded with sunshine.
To take a different route down from the Bastei, we chose the Holzengrund. We didn't know it yet, but it's nothing special and you don't have to do it. There were…
- December 21, 2024
We wish everyone here at Komoot a wonderful, peaceful and contemplative Christmas!
- December 1, 2024
This year's Christmas market rally took us to Weesenstein Castle today. Small but beautiful, lovingly decorated and full of light at dusk. A great backdrop with the castle and park.
To whet our appetites and thirst for mulled wine and of course because of our New Year's resolutions, we sat down a few…
- November 27, 2024
What to do if the planned date suddenly falls through? That's right, go hiking and set a culinary goal, namely the "goose feast in the Schützenhaus". In the past, we always made a round of the gingerbread bakers, but suddenly nobody wants gingerbread anymore. So what to do until the goose? We know Pulsnitz…
- November 23, 2024
The concert garden is open and there is steak, bratwurst, soup, apple-quince punch (!!) and mulled wine waiting for you, all delicious. It's nice to walk a few kilometers. Especially as it went over our beloved red heathland signs, which were there today: Alte 1, R, Schere, HG, Halbmond, Kreuzstern and Weißiger Gänsefuß.
- October 27, 2024
It was up on the Scheibenberg when a poster caught our eye: Soup Museum! It took a few years, but now we are here in Neudorf and are spooning out the soup we have made ourselves. Today is the 425th anniversary of the church fair, the soup fair is actually only tomorrow on Sunday, but we are with the…
- October 17, 2024
After many years of abstinence, planned last year but then missed, the Indian Summer in the Forest Botanical Garden with this glorious sunshine was simply a must. We started on the American continent, climbed the Rocky Mountains and Appalachians, traveled through different landscapes and the Great Lakes…
Last year at almost the same time (January 20th) we walked the old ring path at Kreuz 6. We can almost reuse the old text. Only today it says to quickly clear the snow before it is all gone and cloudy again, instead of clearing the sun...
Kreuz 5 can still be walked quite well to the left of the Prie…