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About PyrenäenTomTom

Seit April 2021 bei Komoot aktiv. Mir wichtige Touren habe ich nachgeplant und importiert.
Das völlig korrupte und kranke Pionier- und Experten System von Komoot unterstütze ich seit Juni 2023 nicht mehr. 😄
1959 geboren, seit 32 Jahren glücklich verheiratet, 2 Kinder (31 28) und immer wohnhaft am Fuß des Schwarzwald. Fernwanderwege GR5, GR10, HRP, GR20 Korsika, les Voges et foret noire, Neuseeland (5 Monate wandern), Südtirol, Südafrika, Schweiz (Wallis, Tessin), Österreich, ehemaliges Jugoslawien 1 Monat, Andalusien, Malle, Madeira, Durchquerung Teneriffa, La Palma, Kreta, Finnland.
Die wilden und ursprünglichen Pyrenäen mit den traumhaften Bergseen haben es mir aber ganz besonders angetan.
Traversée des Pyrenées vom Atlanik ans Mittelmeer 1983 (9 Wochen) und nochmal 2018 (11 Wochen) und Wanderurlaub 1988 im Pyrenäen Nationalpark (2 Wochen).
Ich habe vor, die Tour als Rentner noch ein drittes Mal mit neuen Varianten zu machen. Da habe ich dann auch generell mehr Zeit zum Wandern. 😄
Ja und der/die Via Alpina in einer ganz individuellen Variante ist auch noch auf der ToEnjoy Liste.

Distance travelled

5,283 km

Time in motion

1103:56 h

Personal Collections
Recent Activity
  1. went for a hike.

    September 6, 2024

    🇮🇹 kleine Puflatschrunde auf der Seiser Alm

    8.95 km
    4.0 km/h
    350 m
    340 m
    , , and 83 others like this.
    1. September 6, 2024

      Today, wisps of fog drifted up to icy cold calves. The leaves rustled quietly in the wind, and you could go hiking in any weather. The sun dissolved the fog, and the mountain warmed you up. Panoramas slowly opened up, the Seiser Alm in beautiful lines, but after every hilltop, there was a new fog soup

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  2. went for a hike.

    September 4, 2024

    , , and 83 others like this.
    1. September 4, 2024

      Because the weather was not entirely clear, we didn't do the longer loop over Gamsstallscharte and Torre di Pisa Hut in the Latemar today, but instead hiked from the Oberholz mountain station on Panoramaweg 22 to the Passo Feudo. From there on the towpath and a stretch of road and towpath to the beautifully

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  3. went for a hike.

    September 3, 2024

    6.76 km
    3.4 km/h
    410 m
    420 m
    , , and 86 others like this.
    1. September 3, 2024

      After yesterday's short city trip in Verona, today we went to the Weisshorn.


      From the Joch Grimm car park, we first take the normal climb up through beautiful mountain pines towards the Weisshorn, then turn right onto the high trail that leads around the Weisshorn to the east and then up to the edge of

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  4. went on a Tour.

    September 2, 2024

    8.58 km
    3.8 km/h
    50 m
    50 m
    , , and 76 others like this.
    1. September 2, 2024

      Today I discovered that with trail running shoes you can at least endure the torture of Pfasterstein conjunctivitis vernalis caused by too much sightseeing 😄 by protecting your feet.

      Joking aside. We all liked Verona, but after 4 hours in the city we went back to the beautiful Eggental with a view of the Latemar. 🤗🤩😍

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  5. went for a hike.

    September 1, 2024

    , , and 81 others like this.
    1. September 1, 2024

      There's not much to say about the tour. With the guest card you can take the cable car to Oberbozen for free and then leisurely hike the three highlights followed by an ice cream 🍦 and after the journey home to the lovely holiday apartment, one or two large, cold shandys. 🍻🍻

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  6. went for a hike.

    August 30, 2024

    , , and 103 others like this.
    1. August 30, 2024

      Today we first took the cable car to the Paolina Hut. From there we took the Hirzelsteig towards the Kölner Hut. Then we went up to the right in many switchbacks to the Vajolon Pass. We descended towards the Rifugio Roda di Vael via a descent that was also well secured, just like the ascent. Then we

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  7. went for a hike.

    August 29, 2024

    , , and 84 others like this.
    1. August 29, 2024

      After yesterday's 8-hour long and beautiful journey via Walensee, Flüelapass and Ofenpass to Eggental, today we took a short but lovely walk with a view of Schlern, Rosengarten and Latemar to the Häusler Sam Alm.


      We started the hike directly from our super beautiful 😍 holiday apartment 😍.

      The Unterwerkstatthof

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  8. went for a hike.

    August 22, 2024

    , , and 70 others like this.
    1. August 22, 2024

      I'm running for Christine today,

      she's currently hiking like a smart bee 🐝

      and collecting donations 💶 for the hospice

      everyone is taking notice of her.

      From the Palatinate Forest to Forêt Noir,

      to Switzerland, how wonderful,

      Italy into Lake Garda,

      she's a great fairy.🧚‍♀️


      A woodpecker quickly drums for

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  9. and others went on a Tour.

    August 17, 2024

    , , and 215 others like this.
    1. August 17, 2024

      There are days that can never be long enough... when you can be out and about with good friends 😊. This day in Belchenland was just indescribably beautiful and I just enjoyed the time with you.

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  10. went on a Tour.

    August 5, 2024

    403 km
    19.3 km/h
    6,470 m
    6,470 m
    , , and 68 others like this.
    1. August 5, 2024

      Today was perfect weather for a big Vosges scooter 🛵 tour.

      Start at 7:40 and arrived home at 5:40 p.m.

      Since Komoot once again failed to record the entire tour, I had to re-plan and go to the export/import shop. 😄 👍

      I won't describe the route.

      The pictures are labeled with the places.

      The kilometers driven

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