Hiking Highlight
Hiking Highlight
Hiking Highlight
Hiking Highlight
Hiking Highlight
Hiking Highlight
Hiking Highlight
Hiking Highlight
Hiking Highlight
Hiking Highlight
Hiking Highlight
Mountain Hiking Path:
<3.28 km
Hiking Path:
4.62 km
5.51 km
2.16 km
895 m
1.20 km
3.18 km
6.77 km
Sign up to see route details
Know exactly what to expect with inch-by-inch surface, waytype, and elevation info.
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Highest Point:
250 m
Lowest Point:
10 m
Hiking Collection by Allgäu
Mountain Biking Collection by Oberstdorf - Das Hochgefühl der Alpen
Mountain Biking Collection by Oberstdorf - Das Hochgefühl der Alpen
Mountain Biking Collection by Allgäu
Hiking Collection by Allgäu
Hiking Collection by Oberstdorf - Das Hochgefühl der Alpen
Hiking Collection by Tannheimer Tal
Hiking Collection by Tannheimer Tal
Hiking Collection by Oberstdorf - Das Hochgefühl der Alpen
Hiking Collection by komoot
Hiking Collection by Oberstdorf - Das Hochgefühl der Alpen
Hiking Collection by Oberstdorf - Das Hochgefühl der Alpen
First day of vacation in the Allgäu and we took advantage of the nice weather straight away, after all the forecast isn't all that good.
But there's no point in complaining, the weather does what it wants anyway, so we're prepared for it.
Nice little leisurely tour from Bad Oberdorf to Bad Hindelang with a little break...
Have a nice holiday, fingers crossed for the weather 🍀
@Silke Thank you
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