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Bicicleta de longa distância

Budapest a Veneza via o belo Vale Soča

Bicicleta de longa distância

Budapest a Veneza via o belo Vale Soča

Budapest a Veneza via o belo Vale Soča
Michael Drummond

Budapest a Veneza via o belo Vale Soča

Coleção de ciclismo de Michael Drummond

9 Percursos

80:35 h

1.006 km

8.980 m

Há pouco mais de um ano, enquanto trabalhava na Eslovênia, aproveitei uma pequena janela de oportunidade para alugar uma bicicleta de estrada e fazer meu caminho ao redor do Lago Bled e pelas colinas vizinhas. Uma curta provocação do que seria percorrer o deslumbrante Vale do Soča e o Parque Nacional do Triglav de duas rodas.

Vestindo apenas sapatos de caminhada, bermudas de banho e uma boné de caminhoneiro, estava despreparado não só na minha roupa, mas também para o sorriso do Gato de Cheshire que ficou preso ao meu rosto enquanto subia a subida da floresta longe do famoso e belo corpo d'água.

Esta viagem consolidou o lindo país na minha mente e ofereceu uma experiência de ciclismo como nenhuma outra.

Não sem seus desafios, esta rota de Budapeste a Veneza abrange todo tipo de terreno e vistas. Trilhas lamacentas em meio a hectares de milho, extensões perfeitamente suaves de asfalto e singletrack crocante que corta sem esforço através de árvores altas nas montanhas, tinha um pouco de tudo!

Esta Coleção atenderá a todos os gostos e ciclistas, se você estiver procurando uma sólida semana de subidas implacáveis com vistas gratificantes ou uma quinzena esticada de oportunidades de natação e caminhadas naturais nos dias de descanso tão importantes.


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De Budapeste a Veneza através do Vale do Soca

977 km

9.530 m

9.650 m

Última atualização: 18 de novembro de 2024


  1. Dia 1: Budapeste ao Lago Balaton — Budapeste a Veneza através do Vale do Soca

    120 km
    12,0 km/h
    910 m
    920 m

    Quickly leaving the beautiful architecture and buzz of central Budapest, the route inches up over the hills of Buda, west towards Lake Balaton.


    With crunchy gravel slowly morphing into cake-like mud alongside crops of corn, it can be slow going if the area has recently had rain; but not long after a bit


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  2. Hugging the perimeter of the beautiful Lake Balaton the first 50 or so kilometres, I linked together the small resorts along the south of the lake, before veering south into a beautiful national park.


    Littered with great gravel trails, surrounded by what seems like endless swampland and cattle reserves


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  3. Regista-te para descobrir mais lugares como este

    Vê as recomendações dos melhores trilhos, picos e muitos outros lugares incríveis.

  4. The third day held minimal elevation gain, and took in farmer's fields and quiet singletrack that ran alongside treelines.


    There were a few great spots along the way to start appreciating some Slovenian culture and rural history.


    The day finally ended in Maribor, where the fields glow yellow and the mountains


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  5. This was the first day with some real elevation and challenging climbs, and for me one of my favourite sections.


    Dense forests and roads wound up mountains offering spectacular views, and even greater descents. But with one or two being made of loose rocks, be careful.


    With so many opportunities for wild


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  6. Starting out on the plains that sit at the bottom of the Triglav National Park and the Julian Alps, the mountains eventually reveal themselves, barren shards of stone that bridge the gap between horizon and sky.


    The tough road climb at 25km in offers a pit stop at its crest, for ice cream, beer or even


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  7. This day was a long, winding route that doesn't make much sense on paper, but is well worth the round trip to take in both of Slovenia's most famous Lakes.


    Bled and Bohinj; these wonderful bodies of water are linked by incredible cycling infrastructure in the form paved and gravel routes which cut along


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  8. Despite what the first 4 kilometres suggests, it's probably best to avoid a river crossing here. With five or six attempts to cross at various points and with the singletrack turning to soggy pudding, we made the call to turn back and join the official cycle route on the north side of the river.




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  9. With a cycle route firmly divided from the busy road traffic by the aqua blue river below and lined with steep, verdant hills, Slovenia quickly becomes Italy and the landscape changes dramatically.


    On a 180 glance in the distance, the hazy mountains are but a ghost on the horizon now and the mediterranean


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  10. The last day was a gentle pootle from beach life on the coast to a jewel of architecture and culture in Venice.


    This 56 km Tour was pan flat with some great espresso stops, little-to-no shade and some excellent singletrack.


    This short route to Venice takes you to the ferry port Punta Sabbioni where you


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Estatísticas da Coleção

  • Percursos
  • Distância
    1.006 km
  • Duração
    80:35 h
  • Elevação
    8.980 m

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