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Renânia do Norte-Vestefália

Denkmal für Deserteure und Opfer der NS-Militärjustiz

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Renânia do Norte-Vestefália

Denkmal für Deserteure und Opfer der NS-Militärjustiz

Denkmal für Deserteure und Opfer der NS-Militärjustiz

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Localização:Renânia do Norte-Vestefália, Alemanha

As melhores trilhas até ‪Denkmal für Deserteure und Opfer der NS-Militärjustiz‬


  • Such cenotaphs or war memorials are still very important today as a memorial to the many dead. "Now you, O Lord, let your servant depart in peace, as you said..." says the so-called "Song of Simeon" (Gospel of Luke chapter 2, verse 29). However, the people who are remembered here did not die in peace, but rather became victims of war and tyranny. This is why the term “commemoration of the fallen” is now often used instead of the previously most common “war memorial”.
    Many places and monuments that you encounter along the way are a testament to the horror of war and tyranny - which is still significant and relevant today. They all have, and this is new for each generation, two essential functions:
    -1- Commemorate and remember the victims
    -2- Call for the preservation of peace

    tradução deVer original
    • 20 de abril de 2022

  • No, not a memorial for the fallen. But for murdered deserters. Original text of the information board: "We remember the people who refused and resisted the National Socialist war of aggression and annihilation. As deserters, weakeners of military strength, conscientious objectors or war traitors in the Wehrmacht or as civilian opponents of the war, they left the front and home front "30,000 soldiers and civilians alone were sentenced to death by the Nazi military justice system, 20,000 of whom were executed. Their courage deserves our respect."

    tradução deVer original
    • 26 de novembro de 2023

  • The memorial at AppellhofplatzThe memorial resembles a pergola and has a "chain text" on the roof structure that can only be read if you go inside this work of art. The chain text:"Homage to the soldiers who refused to shoot at the soldiers who refused to shoot at the soldiers who refused to shoot at the people who refused to kill the people who refused to kill the people who refused to torture the people who refused to torture the people who refused to denounce the people who refused to denounce the people who refused to brutalize the people who refused to brutalize the people who refused to discriminate the people who refused to discriminate the people who refused to laugh at the people who refused to discriminate the people who showed solidarity and civil courage when the majority remained silent and followed.

    tradução deVer original
    • 10 de setembro de 2024

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Localização:Renânia do Norte-Vestefália, Alemanha

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