Atrakcja – wycieczki piesze (Odcinek)
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Lokalizacja:Stralsund, Pomorze Przednie Greifswald, Meklemburgia-Pomorze Przednie, Niemcy
"The entire city was surrounded by an approximately 3 100 m long city wall, which was first mentioned in documents in 1256. Gradually replaced the original existing, reinforced with palisades earthen walls at excavation work of the house Knieperstraße 15 was found in 1903 about 2 , 50 m below the present road surface parts of the old rampart.These earth walls offered the city but not sufficient protection.In 1249 the Lübeck attacked the young city and could destroy them without much difficulty.This led to the construction of a stone fortification. Around 1310/20, the city wall was completed around the entire city. A total of 30 towers, u. a. The Blue Tower, the Köpkenturm and numerous so-called Wiekhäuser, from the wall projecting to the city side open tower walls, were in the Middle Ages at the city wall.After the seizure of power by the Swedes in 1648 was an expansion of the fortifications with bastions. The development of war technology, such as firing range and penetration through the use of gunpowder, required the construction of ramparts and other modern fortifications at the time. By the French at the command of Napoleon l. Ground 1808/09, partially rebuilt by Schill, took place after 1815, the further expansion of the fortifications by the Prussians. These were superfluous after the abolition of the fortress Stralsund in the year 1873 and to a large extent were eliminated. The demolition and leveling work could be finished essentially in 1887. The commandant's office of the fortress ended its work on 2 May 1890. Stralsund nevertheless remained a garrison town. This showed u. a. in the new building of the Frankenkaserne on Frankendamm from 1877. Parts of the city wall, some Wiekhäuser and city gates have been preserved. The best way to experience them is to take a walk around the old town. "Source:
22 listopada, 2016
The Stralsund city wall has been preserved relatively well - or has been partially restored. In several places along the wall there are information boards that point out the history, the course, etc. ☝️👍
24 sierpnia, 2020
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