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Atrakcja – wycieczki piesze
If someone speaks of the hiking area around the Großer and Kleiner Osser, you often hear the name "Matterhorn of the Bavarian Forest". Although this comparison might also be applied …
Wskazówka | Autor: Daniel
Atrakcja – wycieczki piesze
From the highest elevation of the Kaitersberg at 1,132 meters, you have a fantastic panorama to all sides. The peak of the Great Riedelstein is decorated in 1909 for the hometown poet Maximilian Schmidt erected monument.
Wskazówka | Autor: Stephanie
Odkrywaj polecane single tracki, szczyty oraz inne ciekawe miejsca.
Atrakcja – wycieczki piesze
To get to the summit, a little bit of surefootedness is required. It goes over rocks. Tethers are attached to the few slightly more difficult spots. So it's very easy …
Wskazówka | Autor: Hans
Atrakcja – wycieczki piesze
If the Großer Arber is too crowded for you, a visit to the Kleiner Arber is worthwhile. Instead of large gravel paths, there are mainly small paths here. One might …
Wskazówka | Autor: Jeph_
Atrakcja – wycieczki piesze
Very nice vantage point. Incidentally, it does not always have to be the summit cross, even 50 meters further there are nice (and not overrun) places to rest and enjoy the view.
Wskazówka | Autor: Freimuth Dominik
Atrakcja – wycieczki piesze
Super great and worthwhile view.
Wskazówka | Autor: suny
, aby zobaczyć jeszcze więcej szczytów w Cham.
Kolekcja wycieczek pieszych | Autor: komoot
Kolekcja rowerowa | Autor: komoot
Kolekcja MTB | Autor: komoot
Kolekcja kolarstwa szosowego | Autor: komoot
Kolekcja biegowa | Autor: komoot
Kolekcja górska | Autor: komoot
Kolekcja MTB | Autor: komoot
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