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Ponte Sant'Angelo

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Ponte Sant'Angelo

Ponte Sant'Angelo

Hiking Highlight

Recommended by 261 out of 274 hikers

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Location: Rome, Lazio, Italy

Best Hikes to Ponte Sant'Angelo
  • Originally Puente Sant'Angel was called Puente Elio, named after the emperor Aelius Hadrian who wanted to build it in 136 AD. to join the city to the entrance of its mausoleum: the current Castel Sant'Angelo.
    Over the years, numerous important events have occurred related to this bridge.
    In 1300, the first Holy Year proclaimed by Pope Boniface VIII, traffic regulations were decided for the multitude of pilgrims crossing the bridge.
    As Dante Alighieri testifies, on the bridge that was the shortest way to get from the city to San Pedro, two opposite paths were created by a row of ticket offices.
    In the Holy Year 1450, due to an accident caused by the white mule carrying Pope Nicholas V, the railings broke and many people drowned.
    From 1488 to 1534, the square in front and the bridge were used as a gallows exhibition: a public place where the corpses of executed people could be seen.
    The bridge, now called Puente Sant'Angelo after the statue of the Archangel on the castle, has undergone many transformations over time: its towers were demolished and two statues representing Saint Peter and Saint Paul were added. In 1668, ten more statues of angels with the symbols of the passion were added. Clement IX entrusted Bernini with the design of these figures.
    In 1882, after restoration works, the bridge assumed its current appearance.

    translated byView Original
    • November 27, 2021

  • From the city center of Rome you can cross the Tiber on the Bridge of Angels and first reach Castel Sant'Angelo, a former imperial mausoleum that later became a fortress and refuge for the popes. It is decorated with figures of angels with the instruments of suffering; these impressive baroque statues were created by Bernini.
    Castel Sant'Angelo, located on the other side of the Tiber, can be found as a hiking highlight on komoot under this link: komoot.de/highlight/131058

    translated byView Original
    • May 17, 2022

  • Ponte Sant Angelo is an ancient Roman bridge in Rome, connecting Castel Sant'Angelo to the other side of the Tiber. The bridge was built in 134 AD by Emperor Hadrian, who wanted a direct connection between his mausoleum and the city center. The bridge has five arches, three of which are original, and is decorated with ten statues of angels holding the instruments of Christ's passion. The bridge is one of the most famous and admired works of art in Rome.

    translated byView Original
    • February 1, 2024

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Location: Rome, Lazio, Italy

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