Hiking Highlight
Recommended by 2262 out of 2287 hikers
This Highlight is in a protected area
Please check local regulations for: Nacionalni park Plitvička jezera
Lower Lakes include Milanovac, Gavanovac, Kaluđerovac and Novakovića Brod formed in the Canyon. The canyon is built of good and permeable limestones from the Upper Cretaceous. The highest rocks are about 40m high. Lake Milanovac is surrounded by rocks more than twenty meters high. The path for his visit is built on the waterfront, but you can see it through the paths on the upper side of the canyon, where there are some stone built observation towers. The eastern part of the waterfall basin of Lake Milanovac is called "The Waterfalls of Milka Trnina", as a thank-you to this famous opera singer with the world voice.
June 6, 2017
A natural fairy tale, which you should visit due to the tourist crowds but outside the main season. Furthermore, one should (if possible) take into account in the planning, that it has previously rained vlt for a long time, because then the waterfalls are all the more magnificent!
June 4, 2018
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