Hiking Highlight (Segment)
Recommended by 24 hikers
This Highlight goes through a protected area
Please check local regulations for: Cornwall National Landscape
GB: In Cadjack Cove, in addition to large faults, many folds can be seen. These folds are formed in different scales ranging from a few inches to several hundred feet. In addition, the folds show different degrees of openings and roundness. Very narrow folds with pointed angles are called "kink bands". Overall, the folds were formed during the Variscan mountain building phase/orogenesis (417 - 200 Ma). The high pressures from the south have deformed the relatively soft rocks. However, the folds seen in this bay are not the main folds but represent folds that are folded within themselves.
Another special feature in this bay are the pink to dark red colored rocks. This change in color is caused by iron-rich water running down the cliffs.
EN: In addition to large faults, many folds can also be seen in Cadjack Cove. These folds are formed at different scales and range from a few centimeters to several meters. The folds also show different openings and curves. Very tight folds with acute angles are called “kink bands.” Overall, the folds were formed during the Variscan orogeny (417 – 200 Ma). The strong pressure from the south has deformed the relatively soft rocks. However, the folds seen in this bay are not the main folds, but rather represent folds folded into themselves.
Another special feature of this bay are the pink to dark red colored rocks. This discoloration is caused by iron-rich water running down the cliffs.
January 9, 2022
GB: In Cadjack Cove, tectonic features can be seen, such as faults (described in ⑦) and folds, which were formed during the Variscan orogeny as a result of pressure from the south. These folds are formed on different scales and range from a few inches to several hundred feet. In addition, the folds show different openings and curves. Very narrow folds with pointed angles are called kink bands. However, the folds seen in this bay are not the main folds of orogeny but represent folds that are folded in themselves. Another special feature in this bay is the pink to dark red coloring of the rocks. This is caused by iron-rich water that runs down the cliffs.
EN: Tectonic phenomena can be seen in Cadjack Cove, such as faults (described in ⑦) and folds, which were formed by pressure from the south during the Variscan Orogeny. These folds are formed at different scales and range from a few centimeters to several meters. The folds also show different openings and curves. Very tight folds with acute angles are called kink bands. However, the folds seen in this bay are not the main folds of the orogeny, but rather represent folds that fold into themselves. Another special feature in this bay is the pink to dark red color of the rocks. This is caused by iron-rich water running down the cliffs.
January 23, 2022
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