Hiking Highlight
Recommended by 483 out of 497 hikers
The villa with the tower, which resembles Italian country houses of the 15th century, served as court house for the court gardener. From the small garden, whose beds are planted with corn, hemp, artichokes and tobacco, among other things, you get through the arcade hall in the actual Roman bath. It is partially modeled on an antique house and served the crown prince as a museum site of the memory of Italy.Source: museumsportal-berlin.de/de/museen/romische-bader-stiftung-preuische-schlosser-und-garten-berlin-brandenburg
October 3, 2018
Are we in Brandenburg or did we go to Tuscany? Especially in the summer, this idea might have come at the sight of the Roman baths many Park visitors. Especially beautiful from spring to autumn, when gardeners come up with new plantings.
January 8, 2017
Before the large tourist crowds, the visit of the Roman baths is highly recommended. Early in the morning you can enjoy the rooms and the well-kept garden area mostly undisturbed.
August 16, 2018
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