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Rita mit Ronnie 🐕🌳💚 a découvert cet endroit avec komoot !

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Rita mit Ronnie 🐕🌳💚

Auch das gibt's - Der ASPHALTIERTE VENN-WALD in 🇧🇪 am 08.11.19

Rita mit Ronnie 🐕🌳💚

Auch das gibt's - Der ASPHALTIERTE VENN-WALD in 🇧🇪 am 08.11.19

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Auch das gibt's - Der ASPHALTIERTE VENN-WALD in 🇧🇪 am 08.11.19

10,2 km
5,2 km/h
120 m
140 m
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Point de départ
0 m
837 m
...Da auch noch durch ...
2,22 km
Das sind die Alternativen...😳
Da möchte man nicht lang laufen 😝
Hier müssen wir NIE NIE mehr hin!!! Radler vielleicht... 🙁
Im Venn
Eh, was guckst DU ???
3,32 km
3,98 km
In diesem Wald haben die Asphaltstraßen Namen
5,11 km
7,30 km
8,64 km
Die ganze Zeit Asphalt... und nun kein Weg mehr, supi
bzw. das- auch nicht lustig 😂
10,2 km


Types de voies et revêtements

Sentier de randonnée en montagne :

<3,28 km

Sentier de randonnée:

4,62 km


5,51 km


2,16 km


895 m

Non pavé:

1,20 km

Pierres plates:

3,18 km


6,77 km

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Point le plus élevé:

250 m

Point le plus bas:

10 m

a fait une randonnée.

8 novembre 2019

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  • 8 novembre 2019

    In the "real" Venn we can not, so Ronnie, so we tried it in the Venn forest ... but bad surprise, the Belgians have paved everything. It was also damp, cool and shady. Would like to recommend this corner to cyclists ... 😉

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  • 8 novembre 2019

    This is a very familiar area behind the Fringshaus for me. This gully is the distraction of the Weser. It used to run through Roetgen, but the Belgians did not want the clean water from the Venn to be polluted by the Roetgenaren.

    There are a number of beautiful bike trails in the moor, but there are many

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  • 8 novembre 2019

    I do not like asphalt either, but I would have preferred it to the mud today ;-)

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  • Rimo, did you ever live there or where do you know the Weser-Umflut-Kanal?

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  • 8 novembre 2019

    No, I did not live there, but in the 1980s, I spent many weekends in the area. I stayed in a room with breakfast in Roetgen and the owner told me all about the history of the area

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  • 8 novembre 2019

    Oh, poor Rita, what did you do? Yes, around the Umfluter there are many asphalt roads. But since the wind turbines are built up there, mud is around!

    Go to the Polleur, as the only dogs still allowed. Only not on the weekend, then there is too much going on.

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  • 8 novembre 2019

    So, if you cover the paved and muddy paths with your hand it looks really nice out there 😉

    You ran more than 10 km 😳 If that sees your doc 👆

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  • Nice photos, also from the mud ...

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  • Thank you all for the comments!

    @Silke, oh thanks for the tip!

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  • @Rimo, @ Doris, @Marianne:

    That you like the photos anyway, I am particularly pleased! Thanks :-))

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  • 9 novembre 2019

    Good morning Rita! Of course I like the pictures, they are beautiful. It often happens that very interesting photos can be taken here and there on less interesting routes. Especially when you zoom in on details that most people ignore. And the sky discolored by the setting sun is always a feast for the

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  • 9 novembre 2019

    As even Ronnie dodges the mud * laugh *, really bad ways, but does not come across so angry with the colorful colors.

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