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2021 Stoneman Miriquidi C-Edition


2021 Stoneman Miriquidi C-Edition

2021 Stoneman Miriquidi C-Edition
🚴🏼‍♀️ TRAILQUEEN 👸 🚴🏼‍♀️

2021 Stoneman Miriquidi C-Edition

Collection par 🚴🏼‍♀️ TRAILQUEEN 👸 🚴🏼‍♀️

3 Tours

13:01 h

165 km

4 460 m




  1. Stoneman Miriquidi MTB C-Edition Teil 1 im Matschmodus Eibenstock --> Oberwiesenthal 🥉

    54,7 km
    11,0 km/h
    1 720 m
    1 420 m

    We had planned the Miriquidi for a long time.


    Demanding 162 km and 4,400 vertical meters.

    The Stoneman Miriquidi has it all - technically and v. a. conditional! Nine crisp climbs lead to just as many fascinating summit experiences.


    The driving technique demands mostly from S0 to S1 with a few S2 passages

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  2. Here part 2 of our Stoneman Tour

    We started after a top breakfast buffet and a short bike wash with sunshine. The clothes were all dry, unfortunately the backpack was still just as heavy.

    The paths were still muddy and unfortunately the rain wasn't really long in coming. No matter we had our goal in mind

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  4. Here follows the last part of our Stoneman tour. Finally the temperatures are in two digits and we are happy that we see blue skies. Finally no more rain and the sun is laughing!

    We strengthened ourselves at the excellent breakfast buffet and started early because we still had a long journey home to go

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Collection Stats

  • Tours
  • Distance
    165 km
  • Durée
    13:01 h
  • Élévation
    4 460 m

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