Premium Task Components

We provide premium SSIS components that offer significantly enhanced features compared to their out-of-the-box counterparts. Below are the Premium Task Components available within the SSIS Productivity Pack and their help manuals:

  • Premium Expression Task
    • A control flow component that can be used to evaluate an expression and assign the result to a variable during runtime.
  • Premium File Properties Task
    • A control flow component that can be used to read and update the properties of a file from a path.
  • Premium File Watcher Task
    • A control flow component that can be used to monitor a folder based on a condition if required, and trigger and write to output based on any change.
  • Premium SQL Server Command Task
    • A control flow component that can be used to run commands to a database instance directly at control flow level. It can execute queries and also get the output in any required manner.