Using the SQL Server Connection Manager

The SQL Server Connection Manager is an SSIS connection manager component that can be used to establish a connection with SQL server instance by using the modern authentication types that are supported.

To add a connection to your SSIS package, right-click the Connection Manager area in your Visual Studio project, and choose "New Connection..." from the context menu. You will be prompted the "Add SSIS Connection Manager" window. Select the "SQL Server (KingswaySoft)" item to add the new connection manager.

new connection

Add SSIS SQL Server Connection Manager

It is worth noting that SQL Server connection can be used to connect to SQL Server using various authentication mechanisms.

The SQL Server Connection Manager contains the following five pages to connect to the HTTP server.

  • General
  • HTTP Proxy
  • Advanced


    The General page allows you to work with the general settings for the SQL Server connection manager.

    SQL Server Connection Manager.png

    Data Source / Host

    The Host field allows you to enter either a domain name or the instance's address.


    The Timeout option allows you to specify a timeout value in seconds for the connection. The default value is 15 seconds. Specify 0 for infinite timeout.

    Authentication Mode

    The Host field allows you to enter either a domain name or the instance's address. There are 10 available authentication modes:

    • SQL Server Authentication
    • Windows Integrated Authentication
    • OAuth - Authorization Code
    • OAuth - Client Credentials
    • OAuth - Client Credentials Certificate
    • Azure Active Directory - Password
    • Azure Active Directory - Universal with MFA
    • Azure Active Directory - Service Principal
    • Azure Active Directory - Managed Identity
    • Azure Active Directory - Default
    Authentication Mode: SQL Server Authentication

    SQL Server Connection Manager - SQL Server Authentication


    The Username to use when accessing the web service.


    The Password to use when accessing the web service.

    Authentication Mode: Windows Integrated Authentication

    SQL Server Connection Manager - Windows Integrated Authentication

    No credentials are required. Automatically authenticates as the current signed-in user.

    Authentication Mode: OAuth - Authorization Code

    SQL Server Connection Manager - Authorization Code

    Generate Token File

    The Generate Token File button will generate the token file for authentication.

    Path to Token File

    The path to the token file on the file system.

    Token File Password

    The password to the token file.

    Authentication Mode: OAuth - Client Credentials

    SQL Server Connection Manager - Client Credentials

    Tenant ID

    The Tenant ID option allows you to specify the unique ID that identifies the tenant you are connecting to.

    Client ID

    The ClientID option allows you to specify the unique ID that identifies the application making the request.

    Client Secret

    The Client Secret option allows you to specify the client secret belonging to your app.

    Authentication Mode: OAuth - Client Credentials Certificate

    SQL Server Connection Manager - Client Credentials Certificate

    Tenant ID

    The Tenant ID option allows you to specify the unique ID that identifies the tenant you are connecting to.

    Client ID

    The ClientID option allows you to specify the unique ID that identifies the application making the request.

    Certificate Location

    Allows you to specify the location of the certificate that will be used. There are two options available:

    • Store
    • File System
    Certificate Thumbprint

    Allows you to specify the thumbprint of the client certificate from the Certificate Store. Click the ellipses button to browse and select a certificate for the user's store. This option is available when you choose Store as Certificate Location.

    Certificate Chooser (...)

    Click on the ellipsis button to open the certificate choose window.

    HTTP Connection manager - certificate chooser.png

    Path to Certificate

    Provide the path to the certificate file to use for authentication. Click the ellipses button to browse their file system for the certificate. This option is available when you choose File System as Certificate Location.

    Note: The component supports Azure Blob Shared Access Signature (SAS) URL in the certificate path.

    Azure Active Directory - Password

    SQL Server Connection Manager - Azure Active Directory - Password

    User ID

    This option allows you to enter the User ID for your instance.


    The Password used for accessing the server.

    Azure Active Directory - Universal with MFA
    SQL Server Connection Manager - Azure Active Directory with MFA.png

    No credentials are required. Automatically authenticates as the current signed-in user.

    Azure Active Directory - Service Principal
    SQL Server Connection Manager - SQL Server Authentication
    User ID

    This option allows you to enter the User ID for your instance.


    The Password to use when accessing the server.

    Azure Active Directory - Managed Identity
    SQL Server Connection Manager - Managed Identity
    User ID

    This option allows you to enter the User ID for your instance.

    Azure Active Directory - Default
    SQL Server Connection Manager - Default
    User ID

    This option allows you to enter the User ID for your instance.

    Initial Catalog / Database

    The Initial Catalog / Database drop-down allows you to select the catalog where your database is located.

    HTTP Proxy Page

    The Proxy Server Settings page on the SQL Server Connection Manager allows you to specify some advanced and optional settings for the connection.

    SQL Server Connection Manager - HTTP Proxy.png

    Proxy Server Settings
    Proxy Mode

    The Proxy Mode option allows you to specify how you want to configure the proxy server setting. There are three options available.

    • No Proxy
    • Auto-detect (Using system-configured proxy)
    • Manual
    Proxy Server

    Using the Proxy Server option allows you to specify the name of the proxy server for the connection.


    The Port option allows you to specify the port number of the proxy server for the connection.


    The Username option allows you to specify the proxy user account.


    The Password option allows you to specify the proxy user's password.

    Note: The Proxy Password is not included in the connection manager's ConnectionString property by default. This is by design for security reasons. However, you can include it in your ConnectionString if you want to parameterize your connection manager. The format would be ProxyPassword=myProxyPassword; (make sure you have a semicolon as the last character). It can be anywhere in the ConnectionString.

    Advanced Page

    The Advanced Settings page allows you to specify advanced settings for the connection.

    SQL Server Connection Manager - Advanced.png

    The properties on this page are either set from other configurations or can be set as required.