HTTP/Web Services Components

KingswaySoft offers SSIS components designed to streamline developers' work with HTTP and SOAP or REST-based web services. The following are the help manuals for HTTP/Web Service components available within the SSIS Productivity Pack:

  • OData Connection Manager
    • This SSIS connection manager is used to connect to an OData instance.
  • Premium OData Source
    • An SSIS data flow source component that can be used to read from OData endpoints.
  • Premium OData Destination
    • An SSIS data flow destination component that can be used to write to OData endpoints.
  • Web Service Source
    • With this component, developers can retrieve data from virtually any SOAP based service endpoint using a WSDL file.
  • Web Service Destination
    • This SSIS component supports writing data to virtually any SOAP based service endpoint using a WSDL file.
  • Web Service Task
    • An SSIS task component which can be used to read/retrieve data from a web service.

Video Resources

Youtube Video - Getting started with SSIS Productivity Pack - HTTP Web Services Components

JSON & XML Processing Components

In addition to the above, the SSIS Productivity Pack comes with a full suite of JSON & XML processing components which can utilize the same HTTP connection infrastructure in order to facilitate data integration through either REST or SOAP service endpoints with easy.

JSON Components

  • JSON Source
    • An SSIS source component used to retrieve JSON documents from an HTTP URL or a local file. The components will then break up the structure and produce column data which can be consumed by downstream SSIS pipeline components.
  • JSON Extract
    • A transformation component that receives a JSON document from an upstream component and extracts data to produce column data for the SSIS pipeline.
  • JSON Merge
    • An SSIS transformation component used to take incoming data from upstream SSIS source components and merge them into one SSIS column data based on the JSON data structure defined in the component.
  • JSON Destination
    • An SSIS destination component used to merge input data based on the JSON data structure defined in the component. You can then specify the component to write the merged JSON document to a local file or you can send it to a HTTP URL to perform a RESTful service call.

XML Components

  • XML Source
    • An SSIS source component used to retrieve XML documents from an HTTP URL or a local file. The components will then break up the structure and produce column data which can be consumed by downstream SSIS pipeline components.
  • XML Extract
    • An SSIS transformation component that receives an XML document from an upstream component and extracts data to produce column data for the SSIS pipeline.
  • XML Merge
    • An SSIS transformation component used to take incoming data from upstream SSIS source components and merge them into one SSIS column data based on the XML data structure defined in the component.
  • XML Destination
    • An SSIS destination component used to merge input data based on the XML data structure defined in the component. You can then specify the component to write the merged XML document to a local file or you can send it to a HTTP URL to perform an XML or SOAP-based service call.

HTML Components

  • HTML Table Source
    • An SSIS destination component used to retrieve an HTML document from an HTTP request or a local file and extract a table element into column data.

Video Resources

Youtube Video - Getting started with SSIS Productivity Pack - JSON Processing

Youtube Video - Getting started with SSIS Productivity Pack - XML Processing