Data Generation and Anonymization Components

SSIS components for random data generation for testing purposes and masking of sensitive information. The Data Spawner component will generate sample data, while the Data Anonymizer component will mask current data by generating sample data in its place.

  • Data Spawner
    • Generates random sample data with options to specify column names and spawn type, along with other options. This can be of great use when testing SSIS packages, as it can quickly generate the exact kind of data that you need for testing.
  • Data Anonymizer
    • This SSIS component allows you to anonymize or mask sensitive data before moving it into another system. Developers select the columns they wish to mask and the anonymization type. The component will then generate random sample data based on the anonymization type.

Video Resources

Youtube Video - Getting started with SSIS Productivity Pack - Data Generation and Anonymization Components