Big Data Components

KingswaySoft's Big Data Components facilitate data integration with big data systems, such as BigQuery and HDFS. The following are the SSIS Big Data Components available with the SSIS Productivity Pack and their help manuals:

Google BigQuery:

CDM Components:

  • CDM Source
    • CDM Source is used to retrieve data from Common Data Model (CDM) Data. The data from the Source objects are read based on schema description files from the CDM folder. It supports files stored locally or in the cloud.
  • CDM Destination
    • CDM Destination can be used to write data into Common Data Model (CDM). It can be used to write files to have it stored in the local file system or saved in one of the cloud storage repositories.

EDI Components:

  • EDI Source
    • EDI Source is used to retrieve data from EDI files. It supports files stored locally or in the cloud to retrieve EDI data from 1000's of different EDI formats and version types, such as HL7, X12, EANCOM, VDA, HIPPA, and EDIFACT.
  • EDI Destination
    • EDI Destination can be used to write data to EDI files. It can be used to write files to have it stored in the local file system or saved in one of the cloud storage repositories. It support 1000's of different EDI format and version types, such as HL7, X12, EANCOM, VDA, HIPPA, and EDIFACT.

Hadoop Components:

  • Hadoop Connection Manager
    • Facilitates connecting to Hadoop from within SSIS.
  • HDFS Source Component
    • An SSIS data flow component used to retrieve data from HDFS. Includes the option to specify retrieval mode such as retrieving files and folder or only files or choosing whether sub items should be retrieved as well.
  • HDFS Destination Component
    • An SSIS data flow component used to facilitate writing data to HDFS. This component supports CreateFolder, Delete, and Upload actions when writing to HDFS.

Premium Data File Components:

  • Premium Data File Source Component
    • The Premium Data File Source Component is an SSIS data flow pipeline component that can be used to read/retrieve data from an Avro, ORC or Parquet file.
  • Premium Data File Destination Component
    • The Premium Data File Destination Component is an SSIS data flow pipeline component that can be used to write data from the source into an Avro, ORC or a Parquet file.

Power BI:

  • Power BI Connection Manager
    • Facilitates connection to Power BI through the REST Power BI Connection Manager.
  • Power BI Source
    • Supports reading and retrieving data from Power BI REST services and produce column data which can then be consumed by a downstream SSIS pipeline component.
  • Power BI Destination
    • Supports writing data to Power BI REST services.

Salesforce Einstein (Wave) Analytics:

  • Salesforce Wave Destination Component
    • The Salesforce Wave Destination Component is an SSIS data flow pipeline component added since the v7.0 release that can be used to write data to the Salesforce Wave Analytics platform. The Salesforce Wave Destination Component includes the following two pages to configure how SSIS writes data to Salesforce Wave Analytics.

Tableau Hyper Components:

  • Tableau Hyper Connection Manager Component
    • The Tableau Hyper Destination Component is an SSIS data flow pipeline component that can be used to establish connections with Tableau Hyper.
  • Tableau Hyper Source Component
    • The Tableau Hyper Source Component is an SSIS data flow pipeline component that can be used to read/retrieve data from Tableau Hyper Data.
  • Tableau Hyper Destination Component
    • The Tableau Hyper Destination Component is an SSIS data flow pipeline component that can be used to write data to Tableau Hyper. There are three pages of configuration.
  • Tableau Hyper Publish Task Component
    • The Tableau Hyper Publish Task is an SSIS control flow pipeline component that can be used to perform an action to Tableau Hyper.

Video Resources

Google BigQuery Data Integration using the SSIS Productivity Pack

Youtube Video - Getting started with SSIS Productivity Pack - Dropbox