Extract Table Data from PDFs with Ease using our Premium PDF Source component

05 November 2020
Aswin Manmadhan

With a simple setup, extract PDF table data with ease using KingswaySoft's Premium PDF Source component, our latest offering from our 2020 Release Wave 2.

Composing and Decomposing Data in SSIS

02 October 2020
KingswaySoft Team

When integrating data between different applications or database systems, what do you do when certain fields hold data in a different format than what the target system is expecting? This blog post will demonstrate how using our latest components within the SSIS Productivity Pack, Composition and Decomposition, you can parse each individual value from a delimited text form with ease.

Migrating Dynamics CDS/CRM Quote with Revisions in SSIS

16 September 2020
Chen Huang

In a prior blog post, we explained how to migrate quotes from one Dynamics CRM system to another however it only focused on the most recent quote. In this post, we expand on that migration and show you how to use our software to migrate Dynamics CDS/CRM quotes with revisions in SSIS.

Real-Time Salesforce Integration with Virtually Any Application or Database System

10 September 2020
KingswaySoft Team

Real-time data integration is now essential for immediate decision making by businesses across the world. With modern-cloud based services such as Salesforce and our Integration Gateway solution, integrate your Salesforce data with any application or database system in real-time.

Extracting Key/Value Pairs JSON Structure into Tabular Format

02 September 2020
KingswaySoft Team

When working with JSON data, a scenario may arise where there could be a format of a JSON Document that makes it challenging to extract the data into a typical tabular form. This blog post will explore using the "Key Value Pivot" Output type found in our JSON Source/Extract Components to parse Key/Value pairs from JSON documents with ease.

Using Premium Hash for Efficient and Easy Change Tracking in SSIS

28 August 2020
Chen Huang

It is always crucial for an ETL process to have a change tracking mechanism to identify when a change has happened to any set of data and only process data that has changed. Let's show you how to implement change tracking with our Premium Hash component.

Salesforce Attachments Integration with Microsoft Team Foundation Server

17 August 2020
KingswaySoft Team

Extracting and integrating attachments from Salesforce or Azure DevOps (formally Team Foundation Server) can be useful when moving attachments to different cloud storage or syncing the attachments between different systems. In this blog post, we detail how to extract attachments from both systems as well as write attachments to them.

Performing BulkDelete Action in Microsoft Dynamics 365 CRM

14 July 2020
Aswin Manmadhan

Learn how to quickly delete numerous records in Microsoft Dynamics 365 CRM at once with the BulkDelete action.

