Extracting Information with Ease Using KingswaySoft JSON/XML Extract Task

28 June 2024
KingswaySoft Team

In your ETL integration development, you might run into a situation where you need to obtain some information from a JSON or XML file served by an HTTP service endpoint via either SOAP or REST framework. Without a proper strategy, this process design can impose some interesting challenges. In this blog post, we will showcase how to use our HTTP Requester Task and JSON Extract Task to accomplish this with ease.

Parsing Through Hybrid API Responses Using KingswaySoft

24 April 2024
KingswaySoft Team

APIs are typically based on either SOAP (XML) or REST (JSON) service calls. However, there are cases where you might receive an XML snippet from a REST service endpoint that primarily serves a JSON document. In such situations, you need a proper strategy for working with the embedded XML snippet. In this blog post, we will show you how this can be achieved effectively.

Advanced Use of Custom Access Token in HTTP Requests

26 October 2023
KingswaySoft Team

Custom access tokens are commonly used to obtain authorization tokens. Sometimes, they process requires using one of the parsing and extraction strategies. In this blog post we will illustrate some advanced use cases for this feature when using the HTTP connection manager offered in our SSIS Productivity Pack product.

Implementing Retry Logic in Custom HTTP Requests Using KingswaySoft

09 November 2022
KingswaySoft Team

There are many reasons you might need to send retries on failed HTTP-based service requests, particularly when you are working with API integration in an ETL process. Now, a simple retry can easily be done in the HTTP Connection Manager using its built-in Retry on Intermittent Errors option. In addition, there might be cases in which you would want to implement a more customized retry on additional HTTP errors to facilitate a more resilient integration process. In this blog post, we will see how KingswaySoft can help in both scenarios.

Split and Parse Through JSON Structures using KingswaySoft

30 September 2022
KingswaySoft Team

Having a JSON response that needs to be properly parsed is a very common use case. This can be an advanced JSON structure like arrays, key-value pairs, etc. Our KingswaySoft JSON components can easily parse through them using the various settings and options available. However, there could be cases in which a JSON design is such that it could have records that need to be handled separately. In this blog post, we will discuss such a case.

Using KingswaySoft to Send Emails with Attachments Dynamically

25 August 2022
KingswaySoft Team

Sometimes we need to attach files with specific conditions to one email and send it. In this blog post, we will show how you can quickly do it by using our components.

Extracting CRM entity metadata using KingswaySoft JSON Components

30 May 2022
KingswaySoft Support

In this blog, we are trying to get the metadata information from Dynamics 365 CRM API and save the entities and attributes in different tables. This is useful in many use cases where you wish to get a list of all the entities that are present, and its corresponding metadata as a part of your integration - Especially for further parameterization plans.

