Blog - KingswaySoft Information with Ease Using KingswaySoft JSON/XML Extract TaskIn your ETL integration development, you might run into a situation where you need to obtain some information from a JSON or XML file served by an HTTP service endpoint via either SOAP or REST framework. Without a proper strategy, this process design can impose some interesting challenges. In this blog post, we will showcase how to use our HTTP Requester Task and JSON Extract Task to accomplish this with ease.2024-06-28T17:13:00-04:00156bdb5e-7b2c-43e4-b09c-baf37b095fe7 a More Resilient Message Queue Processing Flow Using KingswaySoftMessage queues are pivotal when it comes to communicating within a system or between multiple systems. It allows different parts of a system to communicate and process operations asynchronously. A message queue provides a lightweight buffer that temporarily stores messages and endpoints, which allow client components to connect to the queue and send and receive messages. KingswaySoft has various message queue components and control flow tasks that can be used in your integration workflow. Today, we will be looking into a specific constraint that queues could cause with higher volumes of messages, and how these can easily be handled within SSIS with KingswaySoft.2024-05-31T17:12:00-04:00056b8a48-c83b-485d-8d50-deaf6113b2cc Exporting and Emailing Power BI Reports with KingswaySoftPower BI reports are a great way to get quick and detailed snapshots of data sources. In this blog post, we will discuss how to export reports in your preferred offline format (such as PDF) and send them to any email address required, all within a single data flow. Additionally, you will be able to dynamically set how frequently to send the report and to add or remove recipients receiving this email. 2024-04-29T13:29:00-04:00551d4da1-1d4d-4991-80c2-28879044155d Through Hybrid API Responses Using KingswaySoftAPIs are typically based on either SOAP (XML) or REST (JSON) service calls. However, there are cases where you might receive an XML snippet from a REST service endpoint that primarily serves a JSON document. In such situations, you need a proper strategy for working with the embedded XML snippet. In this blog post, we will show you how this can be achieved effectively.2024-04-24T14:54:00-04:00962edb00-e322-454d-88db-9ec1e20ae769 and Clearing Inbox Using KingswaySoftWhen working on integrations, it's common to receive notifications via emails from the process. These emails may include execution statuses, pipeline monitoring messages, execution failure notifications, or other communications. However, keeping them indefinitely in the inbox might not be desirable, as they can accumulate in both number and size over time. Therefore, moving these to another folder and clearing up space in the main inbox is an important step. This can be easily achieved using KingswaySoft.2024-03-28T09:39:00-04:00b245f753-f9a9-4122-90eb-88370c8b31ea Sensitive Connection Information in AWS Secrets Manager for ETL Runtime ExecutionAWS Secrets Manager is a widely used secrets and key management solution offered by Amazon. By leveraging its security features, you could store sensitive SSIS connection information in the secrets manager and make such information available for runtime job execution. In this blog post, we will use KingswaySoft components to connect with AWS Secrets Manager to facilitate a secure connection in a seamless ETL process.2024-03-27T11:36:00-04:00bc60eace-e7dc-4981-84ce-c0e96f3b6d11 KingswaySoft to Integrate with Couchbase Capella Managed InstancesConnecting to Couchbase Capella presents challenges that require additional procedures outside SSIS. These can lead to connection errors and present a significant obstacle during setup. In this blog post, we'll guide you through the process of seamlessly integrating with Couchbase Capella's online managed instances using the Couchbase Connection Manager.2024-02-28T09:10:00-05:00c5719646-90dd-4422-884a-dff307210ee8 Use of KingswaySoft Email Destination to Send Emails with AttachmentsSending emails is a common scenario in integrations, whether for logging a process status, sending a periodic report, job monitoring, etc. Handling this within the SSIS package can be advantageous in many ways, and with KingswaySoft's Email Destination Component, we make it as easy as possible.2024-02-23T09:57:00-05:00940cec10-fc5e-404e-b9e0-4ad9e6d72424 with HubSpot CRM Associations with Ease Using KingswaySoftAssociations are used in HubSpot to define a relationship between objects and activities. It is critical to have these properly defined to keep your data and relationships as intended. In this blog post, we will show you how to use KingswaySoft components to easily create and maintain HubSpot associations.2024-01-31T11:38:00-05:00feb1c851-f178-4fa2-8f03-1730910320d4 with Email Attachments for Your Dynamics CRM IntegrationMoving emails across Dataverse or Dynamics 365 environments, especially handling email attachment records, poses unique challenges due to the specific behaviors of the Dataverse/CRM email attachment entity. In this blog post, we will demonstrate how to work with the ActivityMimeAttachment entity in Microsoft Dynamics CRM for accurate data migration, using the CDS/CRM Destination components available in our Dynamics 365 Toolkit. 2024-01-30T18:38:00-05:00015209b0-ba6d-4192-96be-cdf4677af0dd KingswaySoft to Secure and Use Secrets from Azure Key VaultAzure Key Vault is a popular key and secrets management solution from Microsoft, and it can be beneficial to use it for storing your sensitive SSIS connection credentials for runtime job execution. In this blog post, we will see how KingswaySoft can be used to store and retrieve such sensitive connection information from Azure Key Vault to facilitate a secure connection seamlessly. 2023-12-21T16:33:00-05:008cee4b68-7559-4211-bc7c-bb8b8f2715f5 Homogeneous Batch Operation Messages for Greater Dataverse/CRM Writing PerformanceMicrosoft has recently announced the general availability of their xMultiple APIs, which can provide some substantial performance improvement. In this blog post, we will outline some of the details of using the new API. 2023-11-29T14:57:00-05:00eb7cdabd-2b4d-471f-a749-8028b0206ba7 and Store XML Files Directly to Cloud Using KingswaySoftAs an ETL Developer, you may have use cases where you would need to process tabular data in order to produce an XML/JSON file to be saved in a cloud location. Usually, this is done by first merging and creating an XML file in a local or network path and then, on a regular basis, moving it to the cloud storage. However, for users who are running their SSIS packages on the cloud via ADF and who do not wish to use local storage, this could be a roadblock. In this blog post, we will discuss a technique that facilitates direct file writing using KingswaySoft SSIS Productivity Pack components.2023-10-27T11:20:00-04:003daf9fb6-0ae4-46af-925e-9fd3a47203e6 Use of Custom Access Token in HTTP RequestsCustom access tokens are commonly used to obtain authorization tokens. Sometimes, they process requires using one of the parsing and extraction strategies. In this blog post we will illustrate some advanced use cases for this feature when using the HTTP connection manager offered in our SSIS Productivity Pack product.2023-10-26T19:30:00-04:0096e7eac9-4e61-4c26-a3be-931cab89e103 Managing Metadata Changes in KingswaySoft ComponentsThe components we developed at KingswaySoft generally discover metadata automatically whenever possible - That is, our software retrieves metadata information made available by the API itself in order to properly populate our ETL components. In most cases, the metadata in our components is generally accurate, provided the target system has a reliable metadata API. This includes services like Dataverse/Dynamics 365 CE, Salesforce, SharePoint, etc. Accurate metadata is vital for data integrity in ETL processes. However, there are occasional cases where some ETL metadata fine-tuning may be necessary due to unique situations. For instance, you might encounter cases where a text field contains more data than what is indicated by its metadata, potentially causing the source extraction to fail. In such instances, manual editing of the metadata will be required in order for the ETL process to work. In this blog post, we will show you how such changes can be made properly for your ETL components.2023-08-31T18:00:00-04:004ec035f1-e5f4-462f-a387-197e72c7d780 with Form-Urlencoded Request Body Using KingswaySoftDiscover how to handle unique client cases that require both authentication and payload data sent in the body using the x-www-form-urlencoded format. Set up authentication in Postman, configure the SSIS data flow, and utilize the XML Source component for parsing out data efficiently. In this blog post, we'll show you step-by-step how to achieve this seamlessly using KingswaySoft's SSIS Productivity Pack. 2023-07-27T17:42:00-04:00399c3867-8487-4440-b4a1-f36147d816c1 Formulas to Excel Files in ETL ProcessKingswaySoft’s Premium Excel Destination component not only allows you to write values to an Excel file but also supports formulas. By using formulas in your Excel file, it can open up your data flows to many more possibilities. In this blog post, we will demonstrate one example of using formulas to create hyperlinks in an Excel file.2023-07-26T13:59:00-04:00ddbe40d4-e011-4976-9bb3-d74adb738f80 Up an OAuth Connection to Business Central OnlineOAuth offers clear advantages over basic authentication, establishing it as the superior choice for data integration projects that involve processing or consuming your Dynamics 365 Business Central data. In this blog post, we will explore the secure and flexible nature of OAuth, its advantages over basic authentication, and its role in data integration projects. By following the steps outlined in this concise guideline, you will be able to create a connection manager using OAuth authentication for integration with Dynamics 365 Business Central online.2023-06-26T15:00:00-04:006332b5df-8107-4789-9095-d62fd831058a Power Automate Flows in Dynamics 365 Data Load ProcessWhen loading data into Dynamics 365 using any API-based tools, any of your Power Automate flows you have defined will be triggered as the load occurs. This can result in unnecessary overhead for the data load. In this blog post, we will show you how to bypass Power Automate flows during data loading by leveraging the new features introduced in our latest v23.1 release.2023-05-30T09:52:00-04:00363fe80d-2a56-49cd-9f37-b3f1698d041f Clean Up File Folders Using SSIS Productivity PackApplications and processes often rely on external resources, which can be expensive to retrieve or obtain. Therefore, modern applications often employ cache strategies to save these external resources in the local file system and achieve improved performance. In some other cases, you might have an application that keeps creating random temporary files to facilitate certain system requirements which cannot be achieved otherwise. However, as every coin has two sides, these caches or temporary files, in the long run, can build up in the system and occupy large disk space, which could have adverse effects and result in volume deficiency in the system. Implementing a scheduled cleanup of the cache folder by removing those files that are older than a certain age can become necessary in your ETL process. 2023-05-29T09:35:00-04:00b11997d9-f97b-4b7f-8852-ceb019613c77 Your Integration Connection Using SharePoint Custom App AuthenticationSharePoint Custom App (or Add-in app) option is a popular OAuth authentication method to connect to the SharePoint API. In our recent version, we have added support for Custom App in KingswaySoft SharePoint connection manager. In this blog post, we will go over its prerequisites, and how to configure it within our connection manager.2023-04-21T11:26:00-04:0070651c67-53fc-4315-9ece-772a6abbfa7f Premium File Watcher Task to Monitor File Changes in an ETL ProcessIn the general integration practice, it is a very common use case to monitor a folder path for any file changes, and as soon as a file with certain criteria lands in the folder or gets modified, a process should kick off or otherwise, an email notification should be sent via email. With the new Premium File Watcher Task added to our SSIS Productivity Pack in our most recent v23.1 release, this can be easily achievable in an automated fashion. In this blog post, we will demonstrate the design and configurations required to watch a file path on a continuous basis and send an email notification when a specific change happens in it.2023-03-30T14:07:00-04:006e70de0d-213c-430d-a397-9bfd2759af61 with Embedded XML Content in an ETL ProcessIn some unique cases, we may receive an XML document that needs to be processed in the ETL process, which might contain general XML content but includes some embedded XML content made of escaped characters. The integration requires the embedded XML content to be fully parsed and processed. In this blog post, we will show you how to properly handle and transform mixed XML content with escaped characters to ensure the successful parsing of API responses and files.2023-02-23T10:40:00-05:0066c2e774-748e-4c74-8071-a77479f14889 HubSpot Enumeration Field Options with KingswaySoftEnumeration fields or optionsets need to be handled well in a migration scenario. And it is easy to not have an option in a target system, which was a legacy option in your Source data set. One such example would be currency options. Currency abbreviations can easily be missed, incomplete, or need to be changed to better reflect the destination system. In this business case, we are working with an old database system and have now been tasked to create the contact information in HubSpot. 2023-01-25T11:25:00-05:00ae2f6afe-2774-4cb2-8b25-69bfc66a1799 Unlicensed Users in CRM Using KingswaySoftWhile migrating from CRM to CRM, or any other Source system to CRM, in an ETL, records will need to be associated with users. And since the Source and Target Systems are different, there may not be a guarantee that some users may still exist in the organization. And in such cases, such users become either unlicensed, or stub users. These type of users have restrictions when it comes to being set as an owner of records, and in this blog post, we will see how this can be handled efficiently.2023-01-24T17:15:00-05:00f39525b7-c9bc-494f-9451-1d2d18101b12 Sensitive Properties in SSIS PackagesIn SSIS, the sensitive credentials have to be handled in a special way to ensure that they get preserved and decrypted while the packages run in an unattended way. There are a few means to do this, and in this blog post, we will discuss some popular ways this can be done.2022-12-19T17:00:00-05:00afa0fc32-0681-4589-be9c-a4873d4224c2 to SharePoint OAuth Using KingswaySoftWith the recent news of SOAP basic authentication deprecation, it becomes imperative to start using the OAuth authentication for your SharePoint integration process. In response to this deprecation, we have recently added support for OAuth in the latest (v22.1) of our SharePoint toolkit, which offers a paralleled feature set as the SOAP service endpoint. It also includes some enhanced capabilities that were not possible using the SOAP service endpoint. This blog post will demonstrate the process involved in order to start using the OAuth authentication type in your integration.2022-11-25T17:20:00-05:001820b8d5-ecc2-49c5-85da-9f08be16e93b Retry Logic in Custom HTTP Requests Using KingswaySoftThere are many reasons you might need to send retries on failed HTTP-based service requests, particularly when you are working with API integration in an ETL process. Now, a simple retry can easily be done in the HTTP Connection Manager using its built-in Retry on Intermittent Errors option. In addition, there might be cases in which you would want to implement a more customized retry on additional HTTP errors to facilitate a more resilient integration process. In this blog post, we will see how KingswaySoft can help in both scenarios.2022-11-09T14:45:00-05:006a97cc27-0ddb-4ba6-bf70-2897463e296f the Metadata Source Type in CRM/CDS Source ComponentIt is not unusual to run into a business requirement that you need to extract Dynamics 365 metadata during your ETL process. We used to believe that this is not a general requirement until we have recently announced our DES deprecation replacement solution, in which it is important to have a way to retrieve the list of Option Set values along with their label values in the system since Dynamics Entity Changes feature only returns integer values for those option set/picklist options. In this blog post, we will discuss this scenario and how to work with our DES deprecation replacement solution.2022-10-18T22:30:00-04:00e3f091c4-d67b-4080-aabc-e115996923af User Multiplexing Feature in CDS/CRM Connection ManagerWhen working with Dynamics 365 online, your integration performance is subject to what is allowed by the server infrastructure managed by Microsoft. In particular, Microsoft has a throttling strategy in place to prevent exhaustive resource usage on the server-side from each individual tenant. This is for the good reason of making sure that the servers operate in a healthy environment, so that it does not degrade the overall performance of all other tenants in the same server group, while one tenant is performing a high-paced data load. However, this can create challenges when your data load has to be completed in a particular time window, in which case you might have exhausted all of your options to speed up the data load performance. In this blog post, we will discuss a new feature that can be used to overcome this limitation and boost data load speed.2022-10-17T23:19:00-04:0056e72194-a3f6-49e7-bfa1-439bf7f8ae3f and Parse Through JSON Structures using KingswaySoftHaving a JSON response that needs to be properly parsed is a very common use case. This can be an advanced JSON structure like arrays, key-value pairs, etc. Our KingswaySoft JSON components can easily parse through them using the various settings and options available. However, there could be cases in which a JSON design is such that it could have records that need to be handled separately. In this blog post, we will discuss such a case.2022-09-30T12:50:00-04:001d8e6f17-6771-45d0-8945-16a19e6a2910 KingswaySoft to Work with Salesforce Bulk APIIf you have a large number of records, you need to read and the process is taking longer than anticipated you may benefit from using Salesforce’s Bulk API. Salesforce Bulk API benefits you when you have many records (Salesforce states data operations with 2000 records make a good candidate) in the Salesforce system and these records are being read synchronously. Today we will look at the features in Salesforce Bulk API and how KingswaySoft components make Bulk jobs easier.2022-09-26T08:23:00-04:000eeb34c8-bbfb-4713-b3cd-7892f0991fa0 and Deleting Dynamics CRM/CE Audit Logs for Efficient Space ManagementAudit logs take up a lot of space in your CRM/CE instance, and there are cases where you would want to have a way to archive the audit logs and have them removed from the system after archiving, to reclaim the space in an automatic manner. Using KingswaySoft, this can be easily achieved.2022-08-26T07:07:00-04:00f1f6fa4e-c3d0-47e3-9254-2d209048bcb7 KingswaySoft to Send Emails with Attachments DynamicallySometimes we need to attach files with specific conditions to one email and send it. In this blog post, we will show how you can quickly do it by using our components.2022-08-25T11:48:00-04:00fb65ae83-ea60-4800-a0d0-02a50e47da7a CRM Entity Metadata using Premium OData ComponentsIn this blog, we are trying to get the metadata information from Dynamics 365 CRM API and save the entities and attributes in different tables. This is useful in many use cases where you wish to get a list of all the present entities and their corresponding metadata as a part of your integration - especially for further parameterization plans.2022-07-29T11:09:00-04:005674ee2b-40f4-48de-8539-7f3d41d76553 and Read Files from Cloud Storage for Transparent ETL ProcessingIn cases where you have a set of files compressed as a zipped folder in a cloud location, you might have requirements where you need to unzip these files first and then read them one by one to parse the data out to a destination database table or another set of files. To perform this manually wouldn't be as simple as it sounds. However, by using solutions provided by us, this can be easily automated.2022-07-28T10:10:00-04:008258f054-ea06-46c9-9d92-769377684372 KingswaySoft Components as the Replacement of the Deprecated DES ServiceAs you all know, Microsoft is deprecating their Data Export Service (DES), which has been used by many enterprise clients for data archiving purposes. There isn't a proper replacement option offered by Microsoft after the deprecation. In this blog post, we will discuss how you can use our SSIS Components to achieve the same purposes. 2022-07-27T11:10:00-04:0006bec493-7e94-42da-905e-c01cd7ae8107 with Concur API to Close Batches and Retrieve Report Files using KingswaySoft ComponentsSAP Concur is a widely popular service for travel, expense, and invoice management, and there are many use cases in which you would need to access the endpoints to process a request and get the response back. One such business case would be finding and closing batches based on processed batch numbers, downloading a report, and storing the data in a database system. We will see how this can be done using KingswaySoft components.2022-06-28T13:56:00-04:0088e087c5-f5cb-48cc-b997-c637eabac2f5 Document Version History from SharePoint in SSISSharePoint Document Library supports version histories, so you can store and track different versions of each document file within the library as changes are made to the file. Such version control infrastructure provides many unique benefits. For instance, if something went wrong with one of the files because of a recent accidental/unintended change, you can easily restore it to a prior version as needed. Also, in your ETL development, you might often run into the requirements that you need to extract all previous versions of a file. In this blog post, we will show how to achieve this using our SharePoint Source component to download document library file versions and using the Premium File System Destination component (offered in SSIS Productivity Pack) to save them to a local file system in SSIS.2022-06-27T12:03:00-04:001237fd88-9fb1-4ccf-ab9f-0f3ba9e57dab with NetSuite Custom Fields using KingswaySoft SSIS ComponentsNetSuite Custom fields are fields that you can add to records and transactions which can be used to save some additional information. This provides quite some flexibility when working with the NetSuite application if we have some special business requirements which cannot be accomplished using those out-of-box fields. Once added, those fields require some special attention in order to use use them in SSIS ETL data flows. In this blog post, we will show you how this can be done easily by using KingswaySoft components.2022-05-31T11:01:00-04:00aa33a071-7200-4dc3-9b81-abef8b7b20b0 CRM entity metadata using KingswaySoft JSON ComponentsIn this blog, we are trying to get the metadata information from Dynamics 365 CRM API and save the entities and attributes in different tables. This is useful in many use cases where you wish to get a list of all the entities that are present, and its corresponding metadata as a part of your integration - Especially for further parameterization plans.2022-05-30T13:16:00-04:00ecb36834-b66b-4617-aeab-afe5cd78af06 Required for HubSpot Connections to Stay Compliant with Contacts Scope UpdatesHubSpot has announced some recent security enhancements in their APIs which now provide more granular CRM scopes. With this change, you will need to update your HubSpot connections in order to stay compliant. 2022-04-28T06:28:00-04:00b45bd184-2597-4cb0-9f12-71014c9afa57 and Load Data Files Iteratively from a Storage LocationThere are cases where we would need to retrieve a set of files from a storage location, which are dropped on the same day, and read them one by one, to then store them into a database table. We can easily achieve this using KingswaySoft components and the SSIS Foreach loop container.2022-04-13T10:00:00-04:0073e7dec3-fa14-459e-b949-f5af4ab98329 with QuickBooks Desktop Custom Fields in SSISCustom fields have some special behaviors in the QuickBooks desktop application, which makes them to some degree difficult to work with if we don't know exactly how to work with them. This can create some substantial challenges for any integration projects that you might be working on. In this blog post, we will explain how to work with custom fields using our SSIS Integration Toolkit for QuickBooks by giving you some detailed instructions which we hope you may leverage in your integration projects.2022-04-12T09:01:00-04:001b09c7a7-03eb-41c0-b23b-53bb30c86116 ActivityParty JSON Values for Dataverse Activity Entity MigrationIn this blog post, we will show a simple solution that can be used to generate the JSON structure from database tables which can be sent to CDS/CRM destination components for writing, we demonstrate the use of SQL FOR JSON clause to achieve the purpose.2022-03-30T08:00:00-04:00ae3fb23b-357c-455c-bb82-fc58bae304f5 Snowflake Functions in SSIS ETL ProcessesThe Snowflake command task that is a control flow level task can be used to easily execute functions in Snowflake and use it for further data flow executions.2022-03-28T10:09:00-04:00e697ab20-a3fc-4fda-a0ea-62b8875cccc0 Word documents to PDF Leveraging Google Drive PlatformIt is a very common business requirement that in our job we may receive documents in some particular formats, which the business team would like to have them converted into PDF files. Such requirements arise from many of the advantages when using PDF formats for file exchanges, such as portability, universal compatibility, reliability, security, size reduction, versatility, professionalism, etc. Given such common requirement, it would be highly useful to have a tool that can pick up documents from a specific location and have them converted to a PDF files in an automated manner, such as an automated ETL process. In this blog post, we will show you how to easily achieve this using components from our SSIS Productivity Pack product offering. 2022-02-28T08:17:00-05:00fdb725e8-817e-4d90-ac15-e0978efa71b9 with Business Central/NAV REST API v2 in SSISThis post will walk you through how to query the Dynamics Business Central/NAV REST API data by using the Premium OData Source component.2022-01-27T11:20:00-05:00dd465627-52e2-47b9-8fa7-097c1ee55c3d with Microsoft Graph API in SSIS using KingswaySoft Productivity PackIn this blog post we will demonstrate how to use the Premium OData Source component to work with SharePoint site data through Microsoft Graph REST API.2022-01-26T10:00:00-05:008c81d496-b21d-4d90-bfda-04039d00143f Lookups When your Target Values are PaddedIn our ETL development, we don't always receive the data in the exact format that we expect it to be. For instance, there might be cases that the incoming data is a string value while we expect an integer, or in some other cases, there might be unexpected whitespaces which can make the lookup difficult. This blog post will specifically cover the lookup scenario and show you how to achieve the lookup functionality without additional extra work. 2021-12-22T08:00:00-05:00579cfc8e-e37b-4d55-b411-bac3137c919c RSS Feed Data in ETL Process using KingswaySoftIt’s a very common practice to receive news updates using RSS feeds. Even though users are shifting to social media for getting news and headlines that are prominent, these platforms are controlled by algorithms that decide what news goes to which user, and users may see the headlines which the platform decides. RSS feeds provide all the contents that are published by the sources that can be subscribed to. Now, when it comes to integration, extracting RSS feeds data can be a challenging task without a proper tool. In our blog post here today, we will show how you could leverage KingswaySoft SSIS Productivity Pack to achieve this with ease, so that you could possibly consume the data in your ETL process with great control.2021-10-26T11:03:00-04:009d79a49c-e0c9-4d68-afe7-7401f60e3e4a with Custom Authentication Token in KingswaySoft HTTP Connection ManagerThere are cases where you might need to work with a custom token for your HTTP connection's authentication. This is not very straightforward to achieve for your HTTP-based service calls. In this blog post, we will show you how you may leverage the Custom Token option offered in the KingswaySoft HTTP Connection Manager to extract such custom token and then use it in subsequent HTTP service calls. 2021-09-30T12:54:00-04:00947a8d71-d08f-4787-94dc-60ccd050b7b0 Read of Email Messages when Working with POP3 ConnectionsKingswaySoft provides Email Source component in our SSIS Productivity Pack product which can be used to read email messages from your mailboxes. And this component supports EWS, IMAP and POP3 protocols, it can be used to read emails from various email systems, including Microsoft Office 365, Exchange Server, Gmail, and almost all other major email services. It is fairly easy to read messages when working with EWS and IMAP protocols. However it is not very straightforward to achieve so when working with the POP3 connections. In blog post, we will show you how we can achieve such incremental reading using POP3 connections.2021-09-28T15:00:00-04:00625fa4ed-7536-46d4-b457-96cb7ad967a8 Advanced Lookup against Dynamics 365 CDS/CRM using the Premium Service Lookup ComponentOur Dynamics 365 toolkit offers an in-place lookup feature that provides many unique capabilities in supporting various lookup requirements. While the feature is extremely flexible and easy to use, there are certain limitations, such as it cannot be used in a transformation component, and it can support up to 2 different fields you can look up against for reach lookup configuration. In this blog post, we will demonstrate how you can use our recently released Premium Service Lookup component to perform some more advanced lookup scenarios when working with Dynamics 365 CDS/CRM/CE/Dataverse connections.2021-08-31T09:31:00-04:00fa5c1213-0f06-4e12-9e00-f6ff48fd4cc9 HTML Table Contents from Email BodiesThere might be cases where you would be receiving emails with some tables contained in the email body and you are tasked to extract data from those tables and transform them into a flat file or otherwise a database table. This can be a challenging situation without proper tools. In this blog post, we will demonstrate how to extract tables structures from an email using the Email Source component and HTML Table Source component from the KingswaySoft SSIS Productivity Pack.2021-08-30T13:19:00-04:0078789145-55b7-46fe-a0af-61d8f42f4b97 to OAuth in Dynamics 365 CDS/CRM/CE/Dataverse connectionsMany of our clients are switching their Authentication to OAuth for their connections in our CDS and Microsoft Dynamics 365 CRM components. OAuth provides a better security infrastructure to protect your Dynamics data. The process of switching to OAuth authentication can be a bit confusing in the beginning if you have never worked on the concept before. In this post, we will walk you through the process with some great details to help you understand what is required and how OAuth works for our CDS/CRM connections. 2021-07-27T12:41:00-04:00a778c94e-ed04-47df-b9d7-f93f5e8c2052 File Existence in SSIS with EaseThis post will demonstrate how to perform file existence check in SSIS without writing a single line of code by using KingswaySoft Premium File Properties Task.2021-07-26T13:54:00-04:007c9e738e-ac95-455c-8f8e-71dc101799ac with SharePoint Online through OData v4 EndpointThis post will give examples of how to query the SharePoint REST API data with filters and expanded properties, invoke functions using Premium OData Source component.2021-06-29T13:04:00-04:009726369b-bbd8-40f2-94f9-7e2d429bfd4e Excel Currency Data with Proper Currency FormattingExcel has a rich set of options to write and save values for DateTime and currency data, in order for them to be presented in a meaningful way. However writing such data in a correct format isn't always straightforward in an ETL process, and it can be challenging when there are some special business requirements. In this blog post, we will show you how to write a proper currency format leveraging the power of the Premium Excel Destination component. 2021-05-31T12:28:00-04:007152bc7b-3ac8-4cb9-bcb4-8c47cdaffc7b Output Handling with KingswaySoft JSON Destination ComponentWhen working with REST API, a common scenario may arise where there could be additional information returned from the API response and user needs to process and handle, in some cases it is extremely value to save such results. The challenge is the response returned by the service call is different from service to service. This blog post will demonstrate how to configure KingswaySoft JSON Destination component to send out JSON formatted request and extract API response and associate the response back to the original input rows to provide the most accurate reporting and troubleshooting. 2021-04-28T10:12:00-04:00828c46b5-dd95-4d05-9935-a8b941907433 Dynamics 365 Business Central/NAV Codeunit Services using KingswaySoft OData ComponentsWhile our Dynamics 365 toolkit supports Microsoft Dynamics 365 BC/NAV for reading and writing data, but the toolkit does not currently support Codeunit services. In this blog post, we will show you how to call Dynamics BC/NAV Codeunit services using the OData components that we have in the SSIS Productivity Pack product. 2021-04-20T10:21:00-04:005514275d-f7b2-4668-957c-2d421e9b26b7 Load to Snowflake using KingswaySoftThe major advantage of using the bulk load features is a significant improvement in data load performance. In this blog post we will be discussing about the bulk loading capabilities of the Snowflake Destination component that is available in our SSIS Productivity Pack product, which helps facilitate high-throughput writing to Snowflake data warehouse utilizing the Snowflake API.2021-03-24T08:27:00-04:009618fd47-05cf-4077-8c3f-a3d551cd87c8 Load to Amazon Redshift using SSIS Productivity PackIn this blog post, we will be discussing the bulk loading capabilities in our Amazon Redshift Destination component that are available in the SSIS Productivity Pack product offering. The blog post shows you how to leverage the features to enable a high throughput data load utilizing the Amazon Redshift API.2021-03-04T14:20:00-05:00f82bf977-ffad-4af1-987d-00adf71f91fd File Upload Using HTTP Multipart Requests in SSISIn this blog post, we will discuss how to perform file upload using HTTP multipart/form-data format in SSIS without having to write a single line of code.2021-02-19T11:08:00-05:0072e99278-c7f3-47a0-aea5-076e14a0bafa Advanced JSON Structures with Ease Using SSIS Productivity PackIn this blog post, we will be going through some complex JSON document structures and demonstrate how to configure KingswaySoft JSON Source/Extract component to extract data from those JSON documents efficiently.2021-02-16T13:17:00-05:00559ae821-ddcc-46a8-893a-6a0452b20d96 with Amazon Marketplace Web Service API in SSISExplore working with Amazon Marketplace Web Service API by using HTTP Connection Manager and XML Source component offered in our SSIS Productivity Pack without writing a single line of code.2021-01-19T11:00:00-05:007f45b9df-e38a-48ef-b358-4194d3f370df REST requests in SSIS using KingswaySoft JSON Source ComponentIn this blog post, we will be going through some of the most common API pagination methods and demonstrate how to configure KingswaySoft JSON Source component to send out the paginated requests in SSIS.2021-01-14T11:25:00-05:00368c108f-5a6e-45ef-8600-96cf1c2c2e27 Migration Starter Pack v4.0 for Microsoft CDS and Dynamics 365/CRMOur CRM migration starter pack has been widely used by many clients worldwide. We have just made some further enhancements to cover some important migration tasks.2020-12-17T11:04:00-05:00376c8f57-a6ab-43f4-8633-9641d63e60ac Bing Ads Reports with KingswaySoftIn this blog post, we demonstrate how a Bing Ads Source component can be used to read from Reports and extract data in a tabular format, and how it can be utilized to write to a database. 2020-12-04T11:25:00-05:0090ee50fa-c06b-4d32-92c0-e7f1c46e1bc6 CDS/CRM Online Data using SQL Query in SSISIn this blog post, we demonstrate how to connect to CDS/CRM Online SQL database through an ADO.NET Connection Manager and query data using the Premium ADO NET Source component, a part of our SSIS Productivity Pack.2020-11-20T16:01:00-05:0008f8622f-2873-4023-bb05-f5fc5293e0dd the Pre & Post Commands Feature in KingswaySoft Premium ADO.NET ComponentsIn this blog post, we demonstrate how to use the Pre & Post Commands feature in the Premium ADO.NET components to run SQL statements or set session variables before or after executing our components.2020-11-19T17:05:00-05:007229fe38-1804-4736-a47d-5974541b68be personal perspectives on recent CDS terminology changesFor most of you who work in the Dynamics or Power Platform community, you must have heard, Microsoft has recently announced some of the terminology changes for the CDS and Power Platform. In this blog post, I would like to share some of my personal perspectives on those changes.2020-11-14T10:03:00-05:006bdf6443-5de8-4ac5-9141-a61289f58ea2 Table Data from PDFs with Ease using our Premium PDF Source componentWith a simple setup, extract PDF table data with ease using KingswaySoft's Premium PDF Source component, our latest offering from our 2020 Release Wave 2. 2020-11-05T12:26:00-05:00df168d43-57ce-4b2a-9fd2-67db5242e86f and Decomposing Data in SSISWhen integrating data between different applications or database systems, what do you do when certain fields hold data in a different format than what the target system is expecting? This blog post will demonstrate how using our latest components within the SSIS Productivity Pack, Composition and Decomposition, you can parse each individual value from a delimited text form with ease.2020-10-02T13:34:00-04:00ea8c21d5-698b-422b-a1f8-958e4e2ce9ec Dynamics CDS/CRM Quote with Revisions in SSISIn a prior blog post, we explained how to migrate quotes from one Dynamics CRM system to another however it only focused on the most recent quote. In this post, we expand on that migration and show you how to use our software to migrate Dynamics CDS/CRM quotes with revisions in SSIS.2020-09-16T15:19:00-04:00f2e4f1e7-0507-4478-bffd-2df7275c77a8 Salesforce Integration with Virtually Any Application or Database SystemReal-time data integration is now essential for immediate decision making by businesses across the world. With modern-cloud based services such as Salesforce and our Integration Gateway solution, integrate your Salesforce data with any application or database system in real-time.2020-09-10T11:23:00-04:00b3a818b7-f2d9-4366-bac3-22ac9f60c9cf Key/Value Pairs JSON Structure into Tabular FormatWhen working with JSON data, a scenario may arise where there could be a format of a JSON Document that makes it challenging to extract the data into a typical tabular form. This blog post will explore using the "Key Value Pivot" Output type found in our JSON Source/Extract Components to parse Key/Value pairs from JSON documents with ease.2020-09-02T15:50:00-04:0052b7897b-96fa-4569-a834-028b6cb04cc9 Premium Hash for Efficient and Easy Change Tracking in SSISIt is always crucial for an ETL process to have a change tracking mechanism to identify when a change has happened to any set of data and only process data that has changed. Let's show you how to implement change tracking with our Premium Hash component.2020-08-28T17:00:00-04:009779d514-6292-4920-9440-de1763883622 Attachments Integration with Microsoft Team Foundation ServerExtracting and integrating attachments from Salesforce or Azure DevOps (formally Team Foundation Server) can be useful when moving attachments to different cloud storage or syncing the attachments between different systems. In this blog post, we detail how to extract attachments from both systems as well as write attachments to them.2020-08-17T13:18:00-04:00b7279f57-64ae-4a98-b0a4-8d738ea675db BulkDelete Action in Microsoft Dynamics 365 CRMLearn how to quickly delete numerous records in Microsoft Dynamics 365 CRM at once with the BulkDelete action.2020-07-14T17:37:00-04:00cfff8b08-3aaa-4547-965f-07a51515156e Done Properly for KingswaySoft ToolkitsThere are cases that you might have to uninstall our software due to different reasons. Let's show you how this should be done properly.2020-06-30T09:21:00-04:00a693e252-1d4c-4892-9975-630ccece48aa Integration: HubSpot to Dynamics CE/CRMKingswaySoft Integration Gateway allows developers to set up webhook listeners to receive messages from modern cloud applications, and publish them to one or more message queues or file system. We'll show you how you can take it a step further by integrating HubSpot with Dynamics 365 CE/CRM in real-time.2020-06-23T15:23:00-04:00d413c690-1e3f-421b-873b-8f98d0d227c5 CRM ActivityParty Field ValuesManipulating input data can be challenging when working with the JSON format of CRM's ActivityParty fields. Let us take you through the process.2020-05-12T13:26:00-04:00b4fc86b5-b8cf-472d-938c-025415997f2b Parent and Child Records EfficientlyDealing with more than one output from a Source component? Most likely your endpoint has parent and child records. Let's show you how to join these records efficiently.2020-04-14T09:20:00-04:003cf201c3-e6ae-40f2-b927-1fada0eb2313 with Dynamics 365 Business Central/NAV Codeunit in SSISExplore working with Dynamics BC/NAV Codeunit web service by using HTTP Connection Manager and Web Service components offered in our SSIS Productivity Pack.2020-03-04T13:06:00-05:009dd6dc4a-c3da-4a25-8154-c5fecdcd3396 KingswaySoft Components for Error Handling and LoggingWhen designing an integration package, you'd expect to run into errors that may break the execution of one of the tasks or even the entire package. In this blog post, we explore the different approaches of handling and logging error messages while sending notifications for either a record-level or a package-level failure.2020-02-13T10:11:00-05:00fa968fa3-a6aa-4d66-bcd9-a82ca563cdb5 KingswaySoft Component Properties DynamicallyParameterizing a component has many advantages over hardcoding the value. In this blog, we will see how parametrization can be done easily in KingswaySoft components.2020-01-14T13:15:00-05:00616999f2-edd0-4279-874c-3e87e3a39e8a OAuth 2.0 Authorization with a Certificate in SSISWe explore the JWT assertion OAuth2 authentication process with a certificate and demonstrate the process of working with an OAuth2 authentication workflow in SSIS2019-12-10T07:12:00-05:006f213e16-fdaf-4780-8829-646624452d97 CDS/CRM Connection ManagerParametrize your CDS/CRM Connection Manager to execute the same SSIS package deployed to your SSISDB catalogue to integrate different CDS/CRM instances. Learn how.2019-11-14T12:00:00-05:002e2f8027-9610-4214-9597-b0c95b57d04c Audit Logs for Multiple CRM EntitiesKingswaySoft SSIS Integration Toolkit for Dynamics 365 offers a robust and easy way to retrieve and read audit logs. Learn how to extract these audit logs.2019-10-16T08:34:00-04:003898ad0a-4c22-44fe-a020-b19e62c2e173 returns to the Microsoft Business Applications Summit this JuneJumpstart your digital transformation. Join KingswaySoft at the Microsoft Business Applications Summit this summer from June 10 - 11 2019!2019-05-28T09:39:00-04:00f72509f5-77be-40f7-857f-c2b03e01c5e7 with Dynamics 365 WebAPI in your ETL ProcessWebAPI is the latest web service interface for the CDS and Microsoft Dynamics 365 Customer Engagement platform. Working with WebAPI comes with a number of benefits. This blog post discusses how WebAPI can be used in your SSIS ETL process.2019-02-27T11:06:00-05:00543cb504-3784-48f1-8f21-48c983be513e BIML with KingswaySoft SSIS ComponentsBIML can be used to automate the generation of multiple SSIS packages. In this blog post we will show you how you can utilize BIML when working with SSIS Integration Toolkit or SSIS Productivity Pack components.2018-12-21T11:21:00-05:0006014247-c855-4154-9393-bc04614c47a0 Holidays: A Look Back at 2018Thank you for your support this year. We're taking a look at just how far we've come this year and planning for another great year ahead!2018-12-21T08:53:00-05:0062c32ce1-4a0b-4319-9d84-09952e892a3f PowerApps with Microsoft Dynamics On-PremiseMicrosoft PowerApps offers users the ability to easily extend existing applications, however as a cloud-only offering, users with on-premises systems are limited on how much they are able to take advantage of PowerApps. Fortunately, there is any easy way around this using CDS integration.2018-11-22T10:04:00-05:0025e13dfe-74e8-4a35-a6ed-885eba6325de us at Collaborate Canada 2018Register for Collaborate Canada to connect, learn, and share with the Microsoft Dynamics Community with 5 stops across the country this November.2018-10-31T09:32:00-04:0004e32481-ae73-48f1-b344-02b26268d05a of PASS Summit is One Week AwayPASS Summit is the largest conference for for technical professionals who leverage the Microsoft Data Platform. KingswaySoft will be in attendance for v.20 of the conference being held in Seattle, WA on November 6-9, 2018.2018-10-30T09:49:00-04:0020f947dc-182e-49b2-9cd3-013e35a0a754 365 Saturday EventsDynamics 365 Saturday are events held across the globe organized by the Microsoft Dynamics MVP community bringing local opportunities to the Dynamics community to learn and engage with leading experts in the field. KingswaySoft is a proud sponsor of many D365 Saturday events including upcoming Seattle and Stockholm events.2018-10-23T08:53:00-04:00f32aba58-5235-48ef-a1ee-052f62f79877 to Dynamic Communities User Group Summit 2018We are just a couple days away from Dynamic Communities' 2018 User Group Summit in Phoenix Arizona. Find us at booth 1053 to get your KingswaySoft swag items.2018-10-10T07:37:00-04:00bdd7f7c1-7ef1-488c-8e40-85d2eec33cf7 SSIS Lookup DevelopmentPerforming lookups in SSIS can quickly lead to rather intricate data flow designs when developer's need to perform multiple lookups with various conditions. With Premium ADO.NET Destination lookup feature, development becomes much easier with a much simpler data flow to maintain saving significant development time now and in the future.2018-09-25T14:21:00-04:008e1255e6-f373-4c8c-ab0d-5866f08f7a9b“Data-is-at-the-centre-of-opportunity”Microsoft Business Applications Summit: “Data is at the centre of opportunity”Last week we attended Microsoft Business Applications Summit as a Silver Sponsor. This first-time show gave Dynamics 365, Microsoft Flow, PowerApps, and Power BI users & partners a look into Microsoft's vision for the future of Microsoft's business applications.2018-08-01T12:06:00-04:00e731512a-c5c9-4d29-91d4-ac5ae8232014’s-first-ever-Business-Application-SummitSee KingswaySoft at Microsoft’s first-ever Business Application SummitProud to be a Silver sponsor of Microsoft's first ever Business Applications Summit!2018-07-18T09:31:00-04:00d86fe85f-37cf-471a-a790-ef1e9d3e9530 Dynamics 365 Documents in SharePoint via Server-Based SharePoint IntegrationWith Dynamics 365 CE, you can leverage server-based SharePoint integration for document management. In this blog post we demonstrate how to work with server-based SharePoint integration to accomplish your document integration job.2018-06-28T10:33:00-04:0075ac3345-d3ec-4f04-878b-c038af7b2422 SSIS to Mask Data to Assist with GDPR ComplianceSSIS can be a useful tool in assisting with GDPR compliance. In this blog post we will demonstrate how to use SSIS to mask information in an environment so that the data structure remains intact but no sensitive information is stored on the environment.2018-06-27T12:39:00-04:008667d3b0-6eb9-4951-bb0b-586a7bb73399 to Work with Different OAuth 2.0 Grants in SSISIn this blog post we discuss how to work with OAuth 2.0 Password and Client Credentials grant types when working with web service endpoints in SSIS.2018-06-01T12:01:00-04:003c62aa31-4c23-437b-9635-bd13730f5a75 SSIS Integration Toolkit on the Cloud (Legacy Approach)In this blog post, we specifically discuss how you can deploy our software and run it in Azure SSIS Integration Runtime (IR) by leveraging our most recent Spring 2018 release. 2018-04-30T14:44:00-04:00cb5d0432-4be9-4523-9ec5-e46702ce33e9 SSIS Integration Toolkit on the CloudIn this blog post, we specifically discuss how you can deploy our software and run it in Azure SSIS Integration Runtime (IR) by leveraging our most recent Spring 2018 release. 2018-04-30T14:44:00-04:000bb08d37-2b74-442e-9cfb-0ad3e9cc2d49 Center for Health Affairs uses SSIS Integration Toolkit for more efficient Microsoft Dynamics CRM IntegrationsThe Center for Health Affairs & CHAMPS Healthcare provide a variety of services oriented around healthcare. They rely on Microsoft technologies in order to increase business efficiency in improving the health of the community. They use SSIS Integration Toolkit to keep the data in those application up to date and drive their business processes.2018-04-02T15:26:00-04:00bbb320ac-6aff-4b33-8cfb-642bf0d0cac1 Google Analytics with SQL Server Using SSISLooking to reduce the time spent creating our monthly Google Analytics reports, in this blog post we outline the steps we took to automate our Google Analytics to SQL Server integration using SSIS Productivity Pack.2018-03-19T11:19:00-04:008d023937-3ae0-44c3-a133-d7ab5c6bda76 Migration Starter Pack v3.0 for Microsoft Dynamics 365 Customer Engagement and CRM On-PremiseOur CRM migration starter pack has been widely used by many clients worldwide. We have just made further enhancements to cover some important migration tasks.2018-03-13T12:01:00-04:00f071a8fa-e73d-496b-8900-26c25d1bccd1 Better Bathrooms Uses SSIS Productivity Pack to Consume REST APIs in SSISIn our recent case study we spoke with the team from Better Bathrooms to learn more about how they are using SSIS Productivity Pack in their data warehouse process to retrieve data from various REST APIs.2018-03-08T09:18:00-05:0014ec01de-2561-4716-8d8d-ee9e7df56faa to Work with RESTful Endpoints in your SSIS ETL ProcessConnecting to an integrating with a REST API in SSIS can be a tricky process. In this blog post we will walk you through how our SSIS Productivity Pack can be used to simplify the development process. We will be working with ZenDesk as an example to demonstrate integration with a REST API feeding data in JSON format.2018-02-27T16:26:00-05:008b7c9dc1-4b2a-4f52-a0ad-b9c5e2f53ac3 to Cope with the new Dynamics 365 API LimitsThere was a sudden announcement from Microsoft Dynamics 365 Customer Engagement team about an upcoming API Limits. This blog post discusses the strategies and options for you if you rely on some heavy integration in your organization. 2018-02-27T09:57:00-05:00b86b95cf-73cb-467b-8c7f-54b2f561ce2c data from SQL Server to Excel using SSISIn this blog post we will cover how you can take advantage of the SSIS Productivity Pack to easily export data from SQL Server to Excel using SSIS.2018-02-22T11:22:00-05:002b0ad7ed-6677-4653-963a-a2fad7c34328 Load in SSIS with Diff DetectorEasily develop incremental load in SSIS within one data flow by utilizing SSIS Productivity Pack. In this blog post we will cover how you can use Diff Detector and Premium ADO.NET Source & Destination to quickly create performant incremental loads in SSIS.2018-01-29T16:03:00-05:00443cc3cd-c799-4132-843b-02cc39c0441c Load in SSIS Made EasyIn this blog post we will cover how you can use SSIS Productivity Pack to quickly develop SSIS incremental load packages within one data flow without needing to perform any lookups.2018-01-25T15:59:00-05:00000d5c73-84c4-4b92-83a0-cc87ad962520 between Magento and Microsoft Dynamics 365/NAVIn this blog post we will discuss how you can integrate your commerce platform (Magento) with your ERP (Microsoft Dynamics 365/NAV) to provide seamless data transfers between the two systems.2017-12-05T10:15:00-05:009a32f051-37f9-4df6-99d6-e3d2ce66d647 to Retrieve Incremental Changes from CRM in your ETL ProcessIn this blog post we discuss how you can take advantage of CRM Change Tracking within your data synchronization project to only sync records that have changed. 2017-04-04T12:28:00-04:0024a3ea63-90aa-4252-9a35-5e2954638467 with CRM Statuses In ETL ProjectMicrosoft Dynamics 365/CRM entities often have some special statuses that would prohibit update of the entity record when there are any other fields involved but the record itself is in a certain status. One of such entities is the CRM case entity which has a physical name of incident in the system. If a case is resolved, you can't make any further updates to the record, otherwise you will receive an error indicating the case has been resolved, it needs to be reopened in order to make changes. This applies to other entities that might have similar restrictions, and it imposes a challenges to data integration (or ETL) development. In this blog post, I will show you how to work around this situation. 2017-03-31T17:06:00-04:0018581cbb-5430-4840-971e-db497ba1f328 CRM Fields in an Efficient WayAs a professional Dynamics 365/CRM developer, you want your code to be as efficient as possible. I have often run into a code structure that first checks the existence of a particular field value in CRM entity property bag, and then trying to access the value using a dictionary lookup. This is very inefficient. In this blog post, I will show you why and how you can address the situation. 2017-03-31T17:00:00-04:002684ffcb-488e-41df-b419-fa485cbd5b79 CRM close or resolution entity records in your ETL processMicrosoft Dynamics 365/CRM uses some close entities to capture the reason why the primary record was closed with some additional information. In this blog post I discuss how to migrate CRM close or resolution entities in your ETL process properly to avoid creating duplicates for those entities in your target system.2017-03-31T16:47:00-04:009a0084ac-5eaf-4bc4-bbbb-8a3185b8b494 Deprecation - What does this mean to you as a 365/CRM developerMicrosoft has retired the support of ACS. This blog post discusses what this means to you as a Dynamics 365/CRM developer, and what action should be taken moving forward. 2017-03-30T14:20:00-04:008ebcf775-00a8-46a1-94ba-ab12c14f1294 Mysterious Duplicate Status Records in CRM AuditsAt KingswaySoft, we always try to embrace new platform features as much and as soon as we can. However, in our support effort in helping one of our clients, we ran into a very strange situation that when we try to make an update of a CRM record's statecode/statuscode fields, it will always create two audit records for one service call. In this blog post, I will show you the symptom of the problem and how you can fix it. 2017-03-30T09:59:00-04:00a7cf0c40-db09-4cc9-bf7b-d96b3d0f20ab Lookup in Your CRM SSIS/ETL ProjectThere are often times when you need to perform a cascaded lookup in your CRM SSIS/ETL project for cases such as when a lookup field could be located in 1 of 2 fields. This blog post will show you how you can perform such cascade lookups2017-03-23T13:25:00-04:0006a981e8-1046-44ec-b1e0-c69c463782ec CRM Attachments with EaseThere are many reasons that you might want to extract attachments from Microsoft Dynamics 365/CRM. For CRM online users one of the most appealing reason might be uploading the CRM attachments to a cloud storage such as SharePoint or OneDrive as a more cost-effective storage option. In this blog post, I will show you how to extract CRM attachments and save them to your local file system.2017-03-21T13:53:00-04:008400e2c0-48db-4066-b708-3efea6b19368 Holidays!Happy New Year from all of us at KingswaySoft, thank you for helping us have a great year. 2016-12-20T09:52:00-05:00a8b71bfb-9d80-4fc3-bd53-539f0ecbb338 CRM Entityimage in 3 Easy Steps Using Premium Derived ColumnIn this blog post we will cover how you can very easily update CRM Entityimage within SSIS using the new Premium Derived Column. 2016-11-24T11:32:00-05:00bbbf7662-8ccf-4a16-9d40-3b9e0a9da7af and Merge CRM Duplicates With Ease Using SSIS Productivity PackThis blog demonstrates how to use our SSIS Duplicate Detector component to find and merge duplicates with ease in CRM.2016-11-04T14:10:00-04:00f6f5b947-b014-4269-a0d6-47b1fba106f3 Week at UG Summit 2016 in Tampa, FloridaA breif recap of our week at UG Summit 2016 in Tampa Florida as CRMUG Sponsor Attendees.2016-10-20T11:00:00-04:0096552eec-8e04-4c42-8af2-26407fa4d52c to Move Active Directory Objects with EaseThis blog demonstrates how to use our Directory Services toolkit to move and rename users, computers, groups, and service accounts to a new container path.2016-09-19T10:10:00-04:000770821c-b3e1-460d-bacd-5d4036aa70f1 Migration Starter Pack for CRM Online and CRM On-PremiseCRM migration can be a daunting task as there are many things that can go wrong during the migration development process. For this reason, we are very excited to announce the general availability of a sample CRM migration package that you can take, use and even customize to your specific migration needs. We hope you find this useful. 2016-09-16T13:50:00-04:009ba9ee9a-ec55-42b7-99fe-2100878dd722 CRM Activity Entities ProperlyThere are a few challenges when trying to migrate CRM activity entities. In this blog post, we will try to address some of those challenges and show you some ETL design patterns that you can use for your CRM activity migration. 2016-09-16T10:35:00-04:0077cf6dc3-e208-42ff-8022-cea2421290b1 BDD functionality using RowIndex function in the SSIS Productivity PackSSIS Balanced Data Distributor has been commonly used for distributing incoming rows to multiple SSIS destination components to help improve integration performance. However BDD comes with a few limitations. In this blog post, I will show you a better way to implement it without sacrifice from the those limitations. 2016-09-02T07:13:00-04:00cd8b0f59-bcde-40ae-b3e9-fd772b7d62f4 Quote From One Dynamics CRM System to AnotherIn this blog post, we will showcase the best practices that you can use to migrate CRM quote data from one CRM organization to another.2016-08-16T16:00:00-04:00d8557bfb-169d-438d-b068-5b81c5f08b65 old CRM KB Article data to the new Knowledge ArticleIn this blog post, we will demonstrate how to use our software to migrate old KbArticle data to the new knowledgebase along with taking care of the versioning issue by creating new knowledge records and updating the latest version of the existing article records.2016-06-21T13:35:00-04:0072f6a82a-8623-4a4d-8f86-134aacf4f84d CRM Alternate Key(s) for Lookup Purpose in SSISCRM 2015 Update 1 introduced the Alternate Key feature which can be used for Update and Upsert function as an alternative way to identify a CRM record in addition to the primary key. However there is one more scenario that this feature can be useful as well, but may have been overlooked, which is to use the Alternate Key for lookup purpose. In this blog post, I will show you how we have enabled the feature for lookup purpose. 2016-05-16T07:52:00-04:00888811d1-52d7-44bb-b844-162bd719fd80 to migrate CRM Recurring AppointmentsWe find it is quite tricky when working with recurring appointment. In this blog post, we will demonstrate how to migrate recurring appointment data. You may find it extremely easy to handle the tricky situation by using our software. 2016-05-11T10:38:00-04:001055f959-4948-47a9-96ba-8c86079e0a56 required when making CRM Service Calls in SSIS Script ComponentIn our most recent release of SSIS Integration Toolkit v7.1 for Microsoft Dynamics CRM, we updated our support for SSIS 2016 and 2014. With this release there is a requirement to update your script component in order to work with the latest release. 2016-05-11T05:49:00-04:000bad8845-411c-4631-b355-4427b6830405 the "Paging cookie is required" errorWhen using FetchXML query to read data from Microsoft Dynamics CRM server, you might run into an error complaining "Paging cookie is required when trying to retrieve a set of records on any high pages". We have a solution for this error.2016-04-11T17:50:00-04:00d571edf1-8372-420b-8eca-5d1a6a2be198 SSIS & Integration Toolkit Training CoursesOur next block of training courses are schedules to begin August 18th. Contact us now to reserve your spot!2015-08-10T12:19:00-04:004919e02c-39d1-4160-9ce7-aa415f48eca5 SDK Capabilities by Checking CRM Server VersionWith the introduction of all the nice features in CRM Online 2015 Update 1 release, there needs to be a way to detect whether the server is on a particular version so that it can handle those new features. 2015-04-19T23:06:00-04:002f70f9e5-7ffb-413a-b7be-6a5b6b90e0b3 CRM SDK Feature - New Query OperatorsQuery is further enhanced in CRM Online 2015 Update 1 release, which now offers some new query operators that can be used in FetchXML and QueryExpression. 2015-04-19T21:40:00-04:0056b99ecd-6798-4990-a417-8f798dd005c0 CRM SDK Feature - Optimistic ConcurrencyIn your Microsoft Dynamics CRM environment, data changes often happen at the same time for the same record, which sometimes could result in data loss. With the introduction of Optimistic Concurrency feature in CRM Online 2015 Update 1 release, you have a way to detect whether the record has been changed since the last time it was retrieved, which can help mitigate such potential data loss. 2015-04-19T20:56:00-04:00a5a97e03-b84a-4414-8abe-34801871588f CRM SDK Feature - Transactional BatchingData integrity is critical to business. Transactional support is one of the important ways to ensure data integrity, which is something that you often run into in your CRM data integration project. The introduction of "Transaction Batching" feature in CRM Online 2015 Update 1 release is an important step forward as it enables an important integration scenario. 2015-04-19T17:35:00-04:00d96e1269-0922-4e6f-8f5b-6f3169d14540 CRM SDK Feature - Entity Change TrackingIn CRM integration projects, there is often a need to track your source data changes in an efficient way. Currently you would typically implement your solution by comparing CRM entity's modifiedon field, which may not provide the desired performance that you require. 2015-04-19T08:36:00-04:00d739f392-2504-4444-8524-85c99c00a583 CRM SDK Feature - Plugin Trace LoggingIn the past, plugin debugging has been a very challenging task when working with CRM online environment. With the introduction of plugin trace logging feature in the CRM Online 2015 Update 1 release, this has become a much easier job. 2015-04-19T07:51:00-04:00a9d14267-8aa3-4e77-874c-baf7c5dabf62 CRM SDK Feature - No more Special Messages for Special FieldsMicrosoft Dynamics CRM uses a number of special fields for special purpose, those fields used to require using special SOAP messages in order to write to them. With CRM online 2015 Update 1 release, you no longer have to make special service calls to update those fields, which makes it significantly easier to write integration code, at the same time it now offers much better performance due to the reduced service calls. 2015-04-17T10:07:00-04:00cde6b608-ce3d-4c7c-b1e5-cd33abc9418f CRM SDK Feature - UpsertUpsert is an important enhancement that Microsoft Dynamics CRM brought in the 2015 Update 1 release. It can greatly simplify your data integration development.2015-04-16T20:04:00-04:00913ef6ac-4f77-4e69-9e0c-f354b91d98c8 CRM SDK Feature - Alternate KeysIn this blog post, I will discuss how you can setup CRM alternate keys and how you can utilize them in your application. 2015-04-16T15:35:00-04:008583720d-0bdb-4ddf-8822-654b3d35d91a SDK Capabilities - CRM Online 2015 Update 1 releaseIn this blog post series, I will try to illustrate some of the new capabilities that are offered in Microsoft Dynamics CRM Online 2015 Update 1 release. 2015-04-16T10:09:00-04:00666a95ca-2eab-4430-82b8-c3981fd672fb The connection manager '' is not properly installed on this computerWe have received a few reporting from our customers saying "The connection manager '' is not properly installed on this computer" when using SSDT-BI for Visual Studio 2013, this blog post tries to direct you to the download link which includes a fix for this issue. 2014-08-20T15:46:00-04:00e8179b42-0774-4eff-a0f8-660c5e8dd0a0"Value cannot be null" error for securityTokenResponse parameterWe have received a couple of reporting of a new error indicating that the securityTokenResponse parameter is null when trying to establish the connection with CRM server. 2014-07-28T10:27:00-04:000e56649b-18fe-46dc-b3f2-ec0cfb5a3462 SSIS Integration Toolkit v4.0 for SalesforceToday, we're announcing a major upgrade of the SSIS Integration Toolkit for Salesforce. This new release includes several exciting features - mainly SQL Server 2014 support, better error handling, among many other enhancements.2014-06-10T11:40:00-04:008ee540c7-7e87-43ac-96cd-a212f7244ba3 SSIS Integration Toolkit v5.0 for Microsoft Dynamics CRMToday, we are very excited to announce a major upgrade of the SSIS Integration Toolkit for Microsoft Dynamics CRM. This release includes new features including SQL Server 2014 support, a new action called Convert in CRM destination component, better error handling, among many other enhancements.2014-06-10T11:19:00-04:00ef454d51-7764-4040-aabe-85632ff9d7e4 Candidate: SSIS Integration Toolkit v4.0 for SalesforceToday, we are very excited to announce another major upgrade of the SSIS Integration Toolkit for This new release includes several exciting features- mainly SQL Server 2014 support, better error handling, among many other enhancements.2014-05-20T15:58:00-04:007ad3d7ac-fcce-41b7-b5af-e96eeadd9698 Candidate: SSIS Integration Toolkit v5.0 for Microsoft Dynamics CRMToday, we are very excited to announce another major upgrade of the SSIS Integration Toolkit for Microsoft Dynamics CRM. This new release includes several exciting features- mainly SQL Server 2014 support, Convert action, better error handling, among many other enhancements.2014-05-20T10:08:00-04:00a1cbefa8-b7fa-44ea-ba1f-83d866d9b3d2 us at Microsoft Convergence 2014 in AtlantaMicrosoft Convergence is a great event to go, it is a great platform to share and learn about your experience of using Microsoft Dynamics software. This is the first time we exhibit at a Microsoft event, we look forward to seeing you there in Atlanta.2014-02-11T08:44:00-05:00fd616c73-ffcd-480f-afcf-f58e2e522e50 SSIS Integration Toolkit v3.2 for Salesforce.comToday we are happy to announce the release of SSIS Integration Toolkit v3.2 for, which includes some important new enhancements and updates.2014-01-03T11:59:00-05:002ffc4fc3-29a0-4332-b287-07d5bc4895c8 SSIS Integration Toolkit v4.1 for Microsoft Dynamics CRMToday we are happy to announce the release of SSIS Integration Toolkit v4.1 for Microsoft Dynamics CRM, which includes some important new enhancements and bug fixes.2014-01-02T08:20:00-05:0064b6c3b4-10d2-43ad-8140-31c491c98204 SSIS Integration Toolkit v4.0 for Microsoft Dynamics CRMToday we are excited to announce the release of SSIS Integration Toolkit v4.0 for Microsoft Dynamics CRM, which includes support for Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2013 fall release.2013-10-16T11:42:00-04:00e2c0eb92-2a6d-46ac-a3d2-c59df49c28d3 SSIS Integration Toolkit v3.3 for Microsoft Dynamics CRMToday we are excited to announce the release of SSIS Integration Toolkit v3.3 for Microsoft Dynamics CRM. This new release includes some important enhancements and bug fixes.2013-09-24T11:22:00-04:00313a0eff-4d31-409e-830b-b4a274fb073e SSIS Integration Toolkit v3.1 SR-1 for Salesforce.comToday we are happy to announce the release of SSIS Integration Toolkit v3.1 SR-1 for, which includes some important new enhancements and bug fixes.2013-09-24T10:53:00-04:0070590897-fe35-4c33-ab1e-6378235dd831 SSIS Integration Toolkit v3.2 for Microsoft Dynamics CRMToday we are pleased to announce the release of SSIS Integration Toolkit v3.2 for Microsoft Dynamics CRM. The new release includes some important enhancements and bug fixes.2013-08-08T10:03:00-04:009a8a519f-6c62-41bd-ba3d-1d4310330251 SSIS Integration Toolkit v3.1 for Salesforce.comToday we are very excited to announce the release of SSIS Integration Toolkit v3.1 for, which includes some important new enhancements and bug fixes.2013-08-08T08:38:00-04:00014fb3f6-eca3-47c3-9b5a-dc3f7329af60 Business Units using SSIS Integration Toolkit for Microsoft Dynamics CRMIn this blog post, we will try to discuss the scenario when you need to replicate or migrate business units from one CRM organization to another one. While walking you through the development process, we also try to illustrate some implementation patterns that you might find useful. 2013-06-25T22:59:00-04:00772bd303-8a88-4460-91e8-a0449f0e1c10 Script Component or Script Task using CRM Connection ManagerLearn to write a SSIS script component or task by using the CRM connection manager, which provides full SDK capability that allows talking to CRM server.2013-06-24T16:07:00-04:009c5b77a1-fdbb-44ca-a256-1df0495efe98 with CRM FetchXMLThis blog post discusses some limitations with CRM FetchXML query. 2013-06-18T17:08:00-04:005edeab0e-df4a-45a7-8d81-8ad9d90d2bfe SSIS Integration Toolkit v3.1 for Microsoft Dynamics CRMToday we are pleased to announce the release of SSIS Integration Toolkit v3.1 for Microsoft Dynamics CRM. The new release includes some important enhancements and bug fixes.2013-06-12T23:18:00-04:0009eabadd-a59c-4c1a-916c-4e99b299faed SSIS Integration Toolkit v3.0 for SalesforceToday we are very excited to announce the release of SSIS Integration Toolkit v3.0 for Salesforce, which includes some important new features.2013-06-12T23:15:00-04:0025c66c80-d249-403b-a4d9-08fbbde89272 2012 Error - 'Salt' attribute for PassWord is missing in the project manifestWe have received a couple of reporting of the error mentioned in the title for SSIS Integration Toolkit for Dynamics CRM. We have done some preliminary investigation and we believe this is a SQL Server bug. Read for more information about the error and workaround solution. 2013-05-31T08:55:00-04:006c211e7c-5cee-4a59-9b23-c2ba5fd7cb79 Connection Error: Value cannot be null. Parameter name: authenticationCredentials.SupportingCredentialsWe recently received error reports of "Value cannot be null. Parameter name: authenticationCredentials.SupportingCredentials". Read more for the solution. 2013-05-16T22:27:00-04:009280c115-881f-4e42-9895-c09b27ebd0cb SQL2FetchXML Online ConverterToday, we are happy to announce that we have just launched a new website called, which is a free online converter that helps convert SQL script into CRM FetchXML query.2013-03-25T12:47:00-04:00c0d37430-3183-461d-a25c-d82e52f8979d SSIS Integration Toolkit v3.0 for Microsoft Dynamics CRMToday we are very excited to announce the official release of SSIS Integration Toolkit v3.0 for Microsoft Dynamics CRM. The new release includes many exciting features, mainly CRM Bulk Data Load API support, ExecuteWorkflow action, CRM OptionSet Mapping component, etc.2013-02-27T15:38:00-05:00a3d53a33-a858-400d-bfda-afafdd0a464e SSIS Integration Toolkit v3.0 for Microsoft Dynamics CRM Release CandidateToday, we are very excited to announce the second major upgrade of SSIS Integration Toolkit for Microsoft Dynamics CRM, which is v3.0 RC (Release Candidate). This new release includes some exciting features, mainly CRM Bulk Data Load API support, ExecuteWorkflow action, etc.2013-01-29T16:30:00-05:00c26516f0-2706-4103-86d4-71b146af04bd SSIS Integration Toolkit for Microsoft Dynamics CRM v2.0 SR2 (Service Release 2)Today, we are pleased to announce the availability of SSIS Integration Toolkit for Microsoft Dynamics CRM v2.0 SR2 (Service Release 2). This release includes some important updates and bug fixes.2012-12-20T15:16:00-05:0020287a26-ac6b-4e14-ad09-6bf7ebe60896 SSIS Integration Toolkit for Salesforce v2.0 SR2 (Service Release 2)Today, we are pleased to announce the availability of SSIS Integration Toolkit for Salesforce v2.0 SR2 (Service Release 2). This release includes some important updates and bug fixes.2012-12-20T15:04:00-05:008e2f843e-819c-4163-ac70-942f1ec50368 SSIS Integration Toolkit for Microsoft Dynamics CRM v2.0 SR1 (Service Release 1)Today, we are pleased to announce the availability of SSIS Integration Toolkit for Microsoft Dynamics CRM v2.0 SR1 (Service Release 1). This release includes some important updates and bug fixes.2012-11-20T07:45:00-05:000788c515-dc0d-4418-b4c9-395e107bd4a4 SSIS Integration Toolkit for Salesforce v2.0 SR1 (Service Release 1)Today, we are pleased to announce the availability of SSIS Integration Toolkit for Salesforce v2.0 SR1 (Service Release 1). This release includes some important updates and bug fixes.2012-11-20T07:35:00-05:0035a173ca-2e4f-413d-9ab9-5d9f5322dfc1 SSIS Integration Toolkit for Salesforce v2.0Today, we are pleased to announce the availability of SSIS Integration Toolkit for Microsoft Salesforce v2.0. The v2.0 release includes some important new features, and enhancements.2012-09-25T19:50:00-04:004fc1caf1-bc70-4556-89a5-7ddd2b4eb8fa SSIS Integration Toolkit for Microsoft Dynamics CRM v2.0Today, we are pleased to announce the availability of SSIS Integration Toolkit for Microsoft Dynamics CRM v2.0. The v2.0 release includes many new features, and enhancements.2012-09-25T07:55:00-04:0001530efb-7357-4098-bf3f-4bec76a6f9a8 SSIS Integration Toolkit for Microsoft Dynamics CRM v1.1 SR4 (Service Release 4)Today, we are pleased to announce the availability of SSIS Integration Toolkit for Microsoft Dynamics CRM v1.1 SR4 (Service Release 4). The release includes some important updates and bug fixes.2012-07-05T05:33:00-04:0094ad6f28-efa6-4d22-ade1-407cd84f3fbf SSIS Integration Toolkit for Microsoft Dynamics CRM v1.1 SR3 (Service Release 3)Today, we are pleased to announce the availability of SSIS Integration Toolkit for Microsoft Dynamics CRM v1.1 SR3 (Service Release 3). The release includes some important updates and bug fixes.2012-05-31T07:46:00-04:008077f5b1-43c1-4413-88a0-5afccdb215b5 KingswaySoft Partnership ProgramWe are happy to announce our partnership program today, it is now available for sign up. At this time, we are offering Reseller program, through which you can sell KingswaySoft software solutions to your customers with great confidence. 2012-05-15T09:33:00-04:008059af3c-6777-4727-94ae-4334fb139344 SSIS Integration Toolkit for SalesforceToday, we are pleased to announce the availability of SSIS Integration Toolkit for Salesforce, an easy-to-use and cost-effective data integration library for Salesforce and Microsoft SQL Server Integration Services (SSIS).2012-05-02T06:30:00-04:006108a6d6-50f6-4fdb-bdae-fa2d3fcc9317 SSIS Integration Toolkit for Microsoft Dynamics CRM v1.1Today, we are happy to announce that a new version of SSIS Integration Toolkit for Microsoft Dynamics CRM is now available for download. The release (v1.1) includes some important updates and bug fixes.2012-04-19T16:44:00-04:002d4d49f9-fd07-4863-9c5e-795efdf0d1b9 Service Pack 3 of SSIS Integration Toolkit for Microsoft Dynamics CRMToday, we are happy to announce the third service pack of SSIS Integration Toolkit for Microsoft Dynamics CRM, which is now available for download. The release includes some important updates and bug fixes.2012-04-10T17:37:00-04:00c469a79a-16a8-45c8-a0bb-a50705ba78fa Service Pack 2 of SSIS Integration Toolkit for Microsoft Dynamics CRMToday, we are happy to announce the second service pack of SSIS Integration Toolkit is now available for download. The release includes some important updates and bug fixes.2012-03-23T20:03:00-04:0033823fbe-70fa-4fcf-9cd0-b4636c62b9b1 First Service Pack of SSIS Integration ToolkitFollowing our release of SSIS Integration Toolkit for Microsoft Dynamics CRM, we have received a warm welcome by the community. Thanks everyone. Today, we have released our first service pack for the toolkit which includes some important updates and bug fixes. 2012-03-05T17:24:00-05:001839bcb0-cff6-4e37-bcac-03aaf3803495 SSIS Integration Toolkit for Microsoft Dynamics CRMToday, we are happy to announce the availability of SSIS Integration Toolkit for Microsoft Dynamics CRM, an easy-to-use and cost-effective data integration library for Microsoft Dynamics CRM and Microsoft SQL Server Integration Services (SSIS).2012-01-20T18:09:00-05:00