Small Arena

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Small Arena
First Appearance: Kid Icarus: Uprising (2012)
Latest Appearance:

Kid Icarus: Uprising (2012)

Origin: Together Mode stage
Location: Overworld
Inhabited By: N/A

Small Arena is the twelfth and final stage encountered by Fighters in Together Mode of Kid Icarus: Uprising. Unlike the Large Arena, this stage does not need to be unlocked.

In Kid Icarus: Uprising

Like its larger counterpart, this stage is completely flat, wide open, and circular in shape. However, it is incredibly small and completely lacking in obstacles. That means there is nowhere to run or hide, and opponents can also be knocked over the edge and defeated. It is split into four colours: Red, Blue, Yellow and Green. Small Arena is only playable in Nearby Mode or in With Friends in Far Away mode.

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