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What’s Bitgaram Energy Valley?

Smart Energy Valley which creates future value based on creativity by attracting companies and research institutes in cooperation with local governments jointly with innovation city and neighboring areas of Gwangju and Jeonam area.

Smart Energy Hub(SC, ICT, CCS, WT, HVDC, MG, DR/EE, LVDC, ESS, SG) Smart Energy Hub(SC, ICT, CCS, WT, HVDC, MG, DR/EE, LVDC, ESS, SG)
Advantages of Bitgaram Energy Valley
  • Excellent energy-related R & D base
  • Financial support for moving in and facility investment
  • Recruiting talented personnel through local educational institutions
  • Policy support such as designation of special support area for local SMEs
  • Establishment of foundation for research on fusion with industry belt
Strategy to make Bitgaram Energy Valley
  • Key strategies
    See below See below
  • Road Map
    See below See below
※ More details are available in Energy Valley Site. Go to Energy Valley

