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Digital Trunked Radio System


  • TRS (Trunked Radio System) is a communication system that combines mobile communication and radio with frequency-shared communication. It is a communication system that uses a single frequency to efficiently use a frequency that is a radio resource
  • TRS communication provides voice and data (Packet, SDS) service, and KEPCO mainly uses data service
  • Connects with power IT system such as Power distribution Automation in order to control the power and gather the data
See followings for more details related to Digital Trunked Radio System
  • Major Functions
    • Connect with power distribution automation system utilizing simple message data (SDS) transmission function→control power and obtain the data
    • Connect with power IT services through Packet Service such as wind direction and speed observation system and aerospace disturbance monitoring system
    • Voice call function for public safety and disaster relief (urgent call, group call, direct call between terminals)
  • Features and Advantages
    • Use the limited radio resources by using one channel by several users
    • May accept lots of radio terminals through one base due to wide radio wave (2-30km)
    • Suitable to low capacity data transmission and enhance the utility as the power IT service and IoT wireless communication
  • Effects

    Clear the radio shadow area for power distribution automation service

    • Clears the radio shadow area such as mountain area accepting non-registered points for distribution automation as D-TRS wireless network
    • Plan to clear non-registered communication net for distribution automation by 35,000 points based on 2016

    Connect Power IT service to control and monitor the power

    • Accept D-TRS wireless network from power IT service such as distribution automation and low voltage dispersed power supply
    • Save the cost for establishing wired network (optical) providing power IT service through wireless network
Verifications and Commercialization
  • Implement continuous performance improvement and commercialization based on the verification result of Distribution Automation of D-TRS wireless network
  • Contents: Expand control channels (SCCH)/ Encode the wireless section/ integrate data interlock facility/ increase base station/Environmental monitoring od base station

