Levy: What It Is and How It's Used

What Is a Levy?

A levy is the legal seizure of property to satisfy an outstanding debt. Individuals who fail to pay taxes may be penalized by levies on tax refunds or property by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS). Tax authorities can also levy other assets, such as bank accounts, rental income, or retirement accounts.

Key Takeaways

  • Levies are the legal means by which a taxing authority or a bank can seize property for the debt.
  • Property seized in a levy includes cash, cars, houses, and future wages.
  • A levy differs from a lien because a levy takes the property to satisfy the tax debt, whereas a lien is a claim used as security for the tax debt.
  • A garnishment is where a court orders an employer to direct part of an individual's salary to a creditor.

Types of Levies

Levies can be exercised by a tax authority, such as a state treasury, the Internal Revenue Service (IRS), or a bank.

Tax Levy

In the U.S., the IRS can levy an individual's property to satisfy a tax debt. Property that can be levied includes real property like cash in a bank account, a house, a car, or a boat. The Internal Revenue Code (IRC) authorizes levies for delinquent tax payments to the federal government. The IRS must assess the tax and send a Notice and Demand for Payment to an individual owing federal taxes.

If the individual neglects or refuses to pay the tax, the IRS will send a "Final Notice - Notice of Intent to Levy and Your Right to A Hearing." This is typically sent at least 30 days before the levy and can be given in person, dropped at the tax debtor's home or place of business, or mailed to the individual's last known address.

Intangible property held by someone other than the defaulting taxpayer can be levied. This includes wages, retirement accounts, dividends, bank accounts, licenses, rental income, accounts receivables, commissions, or the cash loan value of a life insurance policy.

A state tax levy applies to unpaid state taxes. The IRS can levy a debtor’s state tax refund and receive a "Notice of Levy on Your State Tax Refund and a Notice of Your Right to Hearing" after the levy.

Bank Levy

A creditor must obtain a court judgment against a debtor to issue a bank levy. The bank levy freezes the debtor's accounts until outstanding debt is repaid in full. If the levy is not lifted, the creditor can take the money from the bank account and apply it to the total debt owed.Banks may charge a fee to their customers for processing a levy on their accounts.

A bank levy can occur due to unpaid taxes or unpaid personal debt. Some accounts, such as Social Security Income, Supplemental Security Income, Veteran’s Benefits, and child support payments, cannot be levied. Unlike private debt from credit cards, debt owed to the federal government, such as student loan debt or delinquent taxes, does not require a court order to levy an individual's bank account. Agencies like the IRS generally provide notice of delinquency and allow the taxpayer to resolve the issue before securing a levy.

In the United Kingdom, the term "bank levy" also refers to taxes assessed on financial institutions due to the higher risk they pose to the economy at large.

Climate Based Levy

A green levy is a tax on greenhouse gases or other sources of pollution. These levies are intended to incentivize environmentally-friendly behaviors by raising the costs of polluting businesses. Carbon taxes are among the most common green levies. Taxes on greenhouse gases are commonly assessed as an emissions tax or a tax on goods or services that are greenhouse gas-intensive, such as gasoline.

Mill Levy

A mill levy or mill tax is a property tax based on the assessed value of real estate and used by local governments to allocate funding for school districts or parks. Every year, each property in the district is valued by a tax assessor, and taxation is based on a percentage.

Garnishments and Liens

The IRS and private creditors may use garnishment. A levy allows creditors to withdraw money from a bank account, but a garnishment redirects a portion of an individual's wages or income to repay a debt.Both garnishments and levies are available to private creditors and the government.

Federal agencies like the IRS do not need a court order to levy or garnish assets. Garnishments are frequently used to pursue defaulted loans or delinquent child support. Debtors may be entitled to some relief if the garnishment would cause them financial hardship.

A levy differs from a lien because a levy takes the property to satisfy the tax debt, whereas a lien is a claim used as security for the tax debt. A lien secures the government’s interest or claim to an individual’s or business’s property while the tax debt remains unpaid, and a levy permits the government to seize and sell the property to pay the tax debt.

The IRS may impose a federal tax lien to inform other creditors of the taxing authority’s legal right to a taxpayer’s assets and property. If the taxes remain unpaid, the tax authority can use a tax levy to legally seize the taxpayer's assets to collect the money owed.A tax lien once remained on a credit report for up to 15 years, but tax liens are no longer listed on credit reports as of April 2018.

Avoiding Levies

Taxpayers should file returns on time and pay taxes when they are due. Individuals can request an extension or contact the IRS and arrange to pay the balance in installments. Debtors may be able to set up a payment plan or settle tax debt for less than the amount owed. Those who receive an IRS bill titled "Final Notice - Notice of Intent to Levy and Your Right to A Hearing" should contact the IRS.

IRS Errors

The IRS may reimburse a taxpayer for bank charges caused by erroneous levies by submitting Form 8546, Claim for Reimbursement of Bank Charges, to the IRS address on the taxpayer's copy of the levy. To be eligible to recover bank charges from the IRS, all of the following conditions must be satisfied:

  • The IRS must have caused the error.
  • The taxpayer must not have contributed to continuing or compounding the error.
  • Before the levy, the taxpayer must have responded promptly and provided the information requested to establish the taxpayer's position.

Which Constitutional Amendment Gave Congress the Power to Levy an Income Tax?

The Sixteenth Amendment allows Congress to collect direct income taxes without regard to state census counts. Before the amendment's passage in 1909, income taxes could only be allocated among the states based on their population. Until the 16th Amendment was ratified, federal revenues largely came from customs duties and excise taxes.

How Can You Stop a Levy on Your Bank Account?

The simplest way to avoid a bank account levy is to repay the debt that prompted the levy in the first place. If an individual can prove that the levy was due to an error on the creditor's part, or that they were the victim of identity theft, account access is restored.

How Often Can the IRS Levy My Bank Account?

There is no limit to the number of levies the IRS can place to collect unpaid taxes. However, the IRS can only levy up to 15% of Social Security benefits, and it cannot levy veterans' benefits. In addition, the IRS may release a levy if the lost funds would create an undue economic hardship.

What Is an Ad Valorem Tax Levy?

An ad valorem tax is levied on the assessed value of a piece of property, usually real estate or a vehicle. The phrase "ad valorem" means "according to value," so these tax burdens are distributed among the community according to the value of each taxpayer's property. These taxes are a source of revenue for local governments and school districts.

The Bottom Line

Levies are used by a taxing authority or a bank to seize property for an outstanding, unpaid debt. Property can include cash, cars, houses, and wages. A levy differs from a lien because a lien only represents the claim used as security for the debt. A garnishment directs an employer to move part of an individual's salary to a creditor.

Article Sources
Investopedia requires writers to use primary sources to support their work. These include white papers, government data, original reporting, and interviews with industry experts. We also reference original research from other reputable publishers where appropriate. You can learn more about the standards we follow in producing accurate, unbiased content in our editorial policy.
  1. Internal Revenue Service. "Levy."

  2. Consumer Financial Protection Bureau. "Can a Debt Collector Take My Social Security or VA Benefits?"

  3. Internal Revenue Service. "What Is a Levy?"

  4. U.S. Government Publishing Office, GovInfo. "Title 26—Internal Revenue Code," Pages 3303-3304.

  5. Consumer Financial Protection Bureau. "Can a Debt Collector Take or Garnish My Wages or Benefits?"

  6. Internal Revenue Service. "5.11.4 Bank Levies."

  7. Internal Revenue Service. "Information About Bank Levies."

  8. Center for Climate and Energy Solutions. "Carbon Tax."

  9. Experian. "What Is a Mill Rate and How Will It Affect My Home Costs?"

  10. Internal Revenue Service. "Information About Wage Levies."

  11. Internal Revenue Service. "What if a Levy Is Causing a Hardship."

  12. U.S. Department of Labor. "Fact Sheet #30: The Federal Wage Garnishment Law, Consumer Credit Protection Act's Title III (CCPA)."

  13. Experian. "What Is a Lien and How Does It Work?"

  14. Internal Revenue Service. "Understanding a Federal Tax Lien."

  15. Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB). "A New Retrospective On the Removal of Public Records."

  16. Experian. "Tax Liens Are No Longer a Part of Credit Reports."

  17. Internal Revenue Service. "Additional Information on Payment Plans."

  18. Internal Revenue Service. "Let Us Help You."

  19. National Archives. "16th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution: Federal Income Tax (1913)."

  20. Internal Revenue Service. "The Federal Levy Payment Program." Page 2.

  21. Cornell University, Legal Information Institute. "Ad Valorem Tax."

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