
Ryan Eichler

Resides In

Austin, Texas


Boston University


Corporate Finance, Investing, Personal Finance, Real Estate Finance, Financial Research


  • Worked as a fact checker and reporter at Check Your Fact, a verified signatory of the International Fact-Checking Network’s Code of Principles
  • Joined Investopedia in January 2022 as a Fact Checker
  • Has held positions in Expense Auditing and Personal Financial Planning


Ryan Eichler graduated from Boston University with a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration and a concentration in Finance. During this time, Ryan completed high level courses in Corporate Financial Analysis, Private Equity and Real Estate Finance.

Outside of College, Ryan has held positions in both the business and publication world before joining Investopedia as a Fact Checker in January 2022. Prior to joining Investopedia, Ryan was a Fact Check Reporter at Check Your Fact, where he worked to debunk and reduce the spread of misinformation on the internet, particularly on social media websites.

Ryan has also held positions as an Expense Management Coordinator, and Personal Financial Planning Analyst. As a result of these positions, Ryan developed expertise in auditing principles as well as the concepts and strategies related to financial and retirement planning.


Ryan graduated in 2018 from Boston University. He received a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration with a concentration in Finance.

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