INHOPE - Association of Internet Hotline Providers | Projects

Capacity Building

We have over 240 analysts around the world who are trained to assess and classify CSAM using their expertise.

Network Expansion

We are now a network of 54 hotlines, of which 50 are full members.

Technology Innovation

The ICCAM platform has been expanded to support a multi-module architecture, as a result we have built a law enforcement specific module.

Our Projects


The work and outputs of the projects we run support and enable the mission of INHOPE to ensure the rapid identification and removal of Child Sexual Abuse Material from the digital world.

This project page outlines our current projects and corresponding partners. At INHOPE we proactively work on projects that cover awareness-raising, software development and analyst training. Explore the different projects we are running below and read the summaries.

Strategic Pillars

Our projects service our members through four main pillars: Capacity Building, Technology & Innovation, Network Expansion and Strategic Communications.

This work is supported by various donors from the governmental, industry and philanthropy sectors, structured in multi-annual projects.

Do you have any questions? Reach out to us at [email protected] to learn more about our ongoing work in the digital child protection space.


Technology & Innovation

  • Global Standard

Strategic Communications

  • Stronger Together

Network Expansion

  • The Tides Project

Capacity Building:

  • The AviaTor Project
  • Better Internet for Kids
Global Standard

Global Standard

A world free of CSAM is the shared vision of INHOPE and its law enforcement, industry and NGO partners. The Global Standard project brings together the skills and experience of global experts to develop a common CSAM ontology for the categorisation of CSAM, which will facilitate automated translation between and among different categorisation schemas in use globally and across sectors.

Funded by the Global Partnership to End Violence against Children, the Global Standard will be a game-changer in the fight against CSAM.

Universal Classification Schema

Project CPORT is funded by the European Union.

Project CPORT

Child Sexual Abuse Material (CSAM) is a fast-spread transnational crime that can be effectively fought through collaboration between international and national stakeholders from the private and public sectors.

Creating the Law Enforcement portal, CPORT, for ICCAM will allow hotline analysts, INTERPOL and national Law Enforcement officers to exchange information and intelligence quickly. This will result in the efficient reduction of access to CSAM online and essential victim identification.

Project CPORT will develop a law enforcement portal in ICCAM that will enhance the capabilities of the ICCAM system with specific functionalities to enable and facilitate collaboration and exchange of intelligence between hotline analysts, INTERPOL and law enforcement officers.

Secure Platform for Exchange of CSAM


The reality of how fast CSAM can spread around the world requires technology, tools and collaborative approaches not only among law enforcement agencies and hosting providers worldwide but also among internet hotlines. Equally, each country must offer a hotline service to its citizens where one can report illegal material online.

INHOPE operates a secure system that provides a technical solution supporting hotline transactions and the removal of online child sexual abuse material known as ICCAM (I C{see} Child Abuse Material).

Network & Communication
The Tides Project

The Tides Project

INHOPE will set up three new hotlines in countries where a reporting mechanism for CSAM online does not exist through the Tides Project, supported by

Throughout 2022 and 2023, INHOPE will work closely with key stakeholders in three new countries to set up a national response to CSAM online.

Within the Tides project, INHOPE organizes roundtables with the prospective hotline organisation and the relevant industry, law enforcement, and government stakeholders in each country.

Stronger Together

Stronger Together

The Stronger Together project supports the coordination of the INHOPE network of hotlines by strengthening our capacity-building and awareness-raising work.

With the support of DG Justice, European Commission, under the Citizens, Equality, Rights and Values programme, the Stronger Together operating grant focuses on support to European networks, such as INHOPE, which strengthen the protection and promotion of Union values and respect for the rule of law.

INHOPE’s work falls under these objectives as the network contributes to the implementation of the Charter of Fundamental Rights in the EU, and the EU Strategy on the rights of the child.

Save time, Save lives

AviaTor Project

Hotlines are part of a large chain of institutions and bodies involved in the fight against CSAM. Ensuring swift and concise intelligence exchange among these stakeholders is key to identifying and saving victims. The large increase of material every year requires the use of prioritisation tools to swiftly identify children in real danger. The tool AviaTor was designed with this
purpose in mind.

INHOPE is a partner in the AviaTor project, together with ZiuZ Forensics, Web IQ, the German Research Centre for Artificial Intelligence, the National Police of the Netherlands, and the Belgian Federal Police. The AviaTor Project is funded by the European Union’s Internal Security Fund – Police. For more information go to website of the AviaTor Project -

Better Internet for Kids

Better Internet for Kids

Better Internet for Kids (BIK) project supports INHOPE to continuously enable exchange of knowledge and sharing of best practices among hotlines around the world. Through the Better Internet for Kids project INHOPE coordinates the network of hotlines both within the European Union and promotes the use of which is a rich resource for all organisations working in internet safety or online child protection.