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Embedding security into DevOps

Defined by cloud-native applications to infrastructure as code, modern coding is created, tested, and deployed at incredible speed. While deploying modern applications has created new attack surfaces, DevOps has the daunting task of balancing the need for speed for applications and the demand for securing them.

Proven leadership

A Leader in the Gartner® Magic Quadrant™️ for WAAP

Security at the pace of DevOps

90% of our customers deploy in blocking mode and protection from within to defend against new attack vectors

Customer testimonials

As of 12/2021, Imperva has an Overall Rating of 4.7 out of 5 in the WAAP market, based on 103 reviews

New challenges and risks of modern coding

Time moves faster in today’s modern application development with cloud journeys to mobile and IoT initiatives. These dynamic environments create a new paradigm of security risks.

  • Increase complexities of patching and resolving vulnerabilities in new IT paradigm

    For hybrid enterprises, how does one manage thousands of containers and serverless environments, each with their versions of different operations system files, packages, and executables?

  • Visibility to emerging API trends enterprise-wide

    Driving all things digital from online to mobile, APIs will be the new great attack surface as it continues to grow across the enterprise.

  • Automation for maximizing velocity and continuous improvement

    Modern application development commands nimble iterations from security, constantly monitoring updates and delivering automated alerts for anomalies.

Accelerate application innovation with secure confidence

  • Autonomous and elastic security across any workloads

    Protecting applications in all their forms: legacy, APIs, microservices, and serverless functions.

  • Comprehensive API visibility and monitoring

    Constant monitoring of APIs along with contextual data classification to defer threats and abuse.

  • Shift left with modern tools

    Leverage automated scans to define threat and abuse to code and build security as a guardrail with templates fitted into today’s workflow

Rethink and streamline security in DevOps

One platform for all application security

Develop applications with security in mind across any workload paradigms from a centralized platform. Weigh bolt-on solutions with additional costs and complexities vs. a single platform that offers centralized management and advanced analytics. Modernization means minimizing infrastructure and maximizing scale.

Continuous visibility with context and risk

IT paradigm shift to the cloud has just fueled API growth in the enterprise. Other digital initiatives in mobile and IoT continue to increase API demand. More importantly, think of the impact of having in-depth API specifications for all active APIs, east-west, and north-south, along with risks.

End-to-end security monitoring

Automated API discovery or serverless protection for execution environments made easy are essentials for modern coding. Supplementing this with edge and data security solutions - and ongoing support via Imperva’s SOC - will provide peace of mind for your workloads anywhere.

How Imperva brings security to DevOps

Web Application Firewall

WAF goes anywhere & works everywhere

API Security

Protected as soon as they’re published

Runtime Protection

Protects your applications from the inside

Serverless Protection

Uncover security blindspots