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IMDb member since May 2021
Nimona (2023)
Great animation, bad storytelling
5 July 2023 - 12 out of 22 users found this review helpful.
It's an awesome world, with great potential, an amazing animation with fun moments.
But as the story goes, things just happens without any real justification, it's super rushed, and the magic in the universe is not completely explained.
If they had taken the time to develop the motivations of the characters, to justify their actions I think it could have been among the best animated movies.
For example, the protagonist duo lacks any justification for them to be stuck together, in Shrek donkey is the guide, in cop movies they are partners etc, in these movie the magic character just wants to be there because reasons.
The villain us just bad for the fun of it, without any real explanation etc
Great idea, so so execution.
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