I'm not going to rate this one, since I don't want to skew the ratings for something where I'm not remotely the target audience. This is aimed very much at young children, of which I am not one.
I watched this because the animation in the trailer looked cool, and the animation really is very good. There's also a wonderfully imaginative collection of characters - the weirdest I saw in ten minutes I watched was a guy with a water dish for a head who passes out every time his water splashes out, at which point someone has to refill it for him. Seems like an evolutionary dead end, but it's certainly creative.
I like a lot of cartoons that are ostensibly for kids, like Infinity Train or Pixar movies. But those films have a certain sophistication, whereas Oni has got that cute, simplistic kids vibe. It doesn't mean that nothing interesting will happen, or that there won't be a good story. It just means that my adult brain almost immediately said, "nope, not gonna watch *this.*
But if you've got a kid and want to watch TV with them, you could certainly do worse.