I like dystopian tv series and movies so I was looking forward to this even though the ratings weren't so great, but unlike most apocalyptic series that focus on the world created after this is more of what happened just prior and during the event that lead to the collapse of society itself concurrently. Unfortunately it's not a story you haven't heard and despite seemingly being well produced with a decent cast to go with it, the story just wasn't enough to make this something special. It could have been better.
The family is quite insufferable to watch especially the daughter, but it was quite alright when following the political angle that felt more interesting. And the finale, the end of the season finale felt rushed like they skipped through time and was unrealistically optimistic. I thought after the world order was shattered it'd end with a cliff hanger for another season where we see how society endured but it skips straight to the good part and the time jump isn't even large enough to justify it. Quite underwhelming and anticlimactic. The story also lacked detail in general and the antagonist in the end, despite supposedly being so smart had really naive logic. It's the equivalent of people who say 'just print more money' to solve economic problems (i.e. Giving people money to combat inflation), except this time it's climate change and oil. Solutions that only make sense if you don't think about it, or are just callow and gullible.
It's a miniseries but I feel like if they cut off the ending and hired better writers with focus on the chaos and events that proceeded the collapse for a second season it'd have been better, maybe trite but better.
It's pretty well made. I don't think it's as horrid as reviews with 2 star ratings give it, it's just nothing impressive and you won't be missing out on much if you skip it, but if you've nothing to do and just looking to pass time it's not a terrible option.