This film has a great underlying story but it is hard to find it amid what is presented.
The script needs work. There is a great deal of needless repetition and unnecessary dialogue.
The acting is bad. There is effort but it just doesn't make the cut. Trying to create such a dramatic film with unskilled actors comes off as cheesy and unprofessional. It takes away from the viewer's ability to invest in the characters and without the investment, you are just watching people going through motions. It becomes bland and uninteresting.
The subject matter is a bit convoluted at times. Sometimes it is trying to target politics, at others, religion and then there is the topic of homosexuality or gender identity. While all of these topics can be blended together, the transitioning between them seemed choppy and removed from each other.
There was also one scene that just bugged me. The funeral scene. There are people standing around with umbrellas, we hear the sound of rain and yet, the sun is out and the flowers are bone dry. Just a detail that totally stood out to me.
I don't like to knock low budget indies. They can be great sources of fresh ideas and this movie, as I said, has a really great underlying story. The execution is lacking though and that's just being real about it. If you can get past the things I have mentioned and want to give it a try for the story, go for it. However, if you can't tolerate those issues, pass.