Props are laughable. I think they must have borrowed props from a high school drama club. Acting is mediocre at best, and some of it is textbook bad acting. Devices are ham-handed. There are no plot complications, just plot ideas thrown in for idk, artistic effect or lack of self control. Looking for something positive to say here... Hmmm. Might have to get back to you on that one.
Towards the end, I started wondering if Remote Viewing is just a film makers hoax, where they just are trying to waste as much of your time as possible. Like a directors version of a crank call, but less fun than calling a mortuary and asking for group rates.
Just when I thought it could not get worse, I check the reviews and guess what? One of the actors gave it a positive review. Are you kidding me? Ridiculous. Don't call attention to yourself here Tim. You should just hope this thing fades into the memory hole. Tell everyone you were in college and just "experimenting" or something if Remote Viewing ever comes up.
There was nothing believable anywhere along the way. The story in concept? I don't know because everything else was just so horrible. It probably works out as a great story in a 12 year old writers head, who made the film as a horror movie for 8 year olds. And I mean 8 year old amish kids, because even coca cola commercials are scarier than this waste of time.
OH! Positive idea here: I would recommend watching this to any discouraged aspiring film maker. No matter how bad your project is, watching this film should make you feel better about your writing/directing skills, and inspire you that you are not literally the worst there ever was.