Star Wars: Battlefront II (2017 Video Game)
Janina Gavankar: Iden Versio
Admiral Garrick Versio : You saw the Empire"s weakness and refused to let it consume you. It made you stronger. That"s why you"re leaving here with me!
Iden Versio : You deserve better than this.
Admiral Garrick Versio : No, I don"t. But you do, Iden. You deserve to live in peace. Go. Survive. Live.
Iden Versio : I still remember my last orders. The day the real war began.
Gideon Hask : Mission accomplished, Commander.
Iden Versio : With zero casualties. Looks like you"re still second-in-command.
Gideon Hask : Oh, I"m patient. I can wait.
Iden Versio : Contact the Admiral.
Gideon Hask : Yes, Commander. And the message?
Iden Versio : The fleet"s location is still safe. Today, the Rebellion dies.
Iden Versio : This destruction is the true face of the Rebellion. It"s the reason we"ve been fighting so long.
Del Meeko : We tried to make them afraid. We only made them angry.
Iden Versio : Someone told me once that rebellions are built on hate. I never stopped believing it.
Del Meeko : How are we supposed to fight that?
Iden Versio : The Empire will change. Just like it when they destroyed the first Death Star. We adapt, or die.
Admiral Garrick Versio : I did not call for you, Commander Versio.
Iden Versio : Vardos is our target?
Admiral Garrick Versio : One of them, yes.
Iden Versio : Why? The entire planet and it"s people, they"re- they"re loyal to the Empire!
Admiral Garrick Versio : The Emperor commands it. We will purge this and others. Fear shall spread, the galaxy will remember who is in control.
Iden Versio : This is our home!
Admiral Garrick Versio : The Empire is our home! And we will do as the Emperor commands.
Iden Versio : I don"t take orders from dead men.
Admiral Garrick Versio : You take orders from me!
Iden Versio : I am your Commander, stand down!
Gideon Hask : Iden, our orders are clear. We are to recover the Protectorate Gleb alone.
Del Meeko : Things have changed. Look around you, man. Do you even recognize the Empire anymore?
Gideon Hask : Del, please don"t do this. Just don"t do this.
Iden Versio : The Empire"s job is to save the civilians from things like Operation: Cinder.
Gideon Hask : This is the new Empire.
Del Meeko : If this is the new Empire, I want no part of it. I"m taking the orders of my commander officer.
Gideon Hask : Are these your orders? Are these your orders? Because if they are, this is treason. Are these your orders?
Iden Versio : Yes.
Gideon Hask : Then I have mine.
Iden Versio : Lower your weapon.
Gideon Hask : Defiance will be the death of you.
Princess Leia Organa : Good work out, but I"d expect nothing less from Inferno Squad.
Iden Versio : So you"ve spoken to General Calrissian.
Princess Leia Organa : You have done a lot of damage to this Alliance.
Iden Versio : Yes we have, ma"am. And there"s no excuse for it.
Princess Leia Organa : Watching you fight today, it clear you"re not just running from the Empire. This means something to you.
Iden Versio : It does. We"ve been fighting for our whole lives. It"s taken us too long to realize that we were fighting for the wrong side. This war is far from over. We would like to help you, if you"ll let us.
Princess Leia Organa : People like you are the reason hope can prevail. Hope is the reason we"re going to win. Welcome to the New Republic.
Iden Versio : Thank you, ma"am.
Zay Versio : [greeting Shriv on the Corvus] Uncle Shriv! I"ve missed your big face.
[walks up and hugs him]
Shriv : Yeah. Same here, Zay.
Zay Versio : Is everything okay?
Shriv : Where"s your mom?
Iden Versio : [enters the room] Looking for my husband.
[as Iden and Shriv head for the hangar]
Del Meeko : Hold on a moment!
[they stop]
Del Meeko : Iden... make sure you come back.
Iden Versio : [smiles] Make sure I have a ship to come back to.
[She heads out]
Shriv : Hey, Shriv, I hope you survive this incredibly dangerous mission as well. Thank you, Del, your friendship means everything to me.