No, I'm not making this review as a joke. Someone out there actually decided to name their cartoon... Bibleman. Imagine if Captain Planet was 500% more cheesier and handfisted with its' message. Well, this version of Captain Planet would be better than that. Our hero... Bibleman... has one goal. To lead kids to Jesus. His weapon... the word of God. Some people speculate that it is a sword, but, the show claims that this thing is the word of God, so, I don't know. Let's just move on. NEVER... have I heard of a studio that failed so badly to appeal to the young hip crowd. Our hero... Bibleman... is tasked to convert children to Jesus with... Biblegirl. Together, they make Bibleteam. Ugh, how can someone be so unoriginal until that point? Was he homeschooled all along? Did the people who create this show thought that this was the stupidest idea? Dr Fear is here to conquer Earth with... the dreaded Science! The devious Baroness wants to have kids to... debate among friends and family about God! Worse! The evil Master of Maybe is here to make kids... question their doubts about the gospel! Oh no! I have to be honest, This is the most retarded, cringeworthy and idiotic garbage the kids were fed. At least Dorbees was not intent on shoving morals. The Animated Adventures of Bibleman is the worst religious propaganda of all time.