Dr. Vivienne Graham : A sort of symbiotic relationship, if you will. The lion and the mouse.
Senator Williams : Or the scorpion and the frog. So you'd want to make Godzilla our pet.
Dr. Ishiro Serizawa : No. We will be his.
[general laughter]
Dr. Ishiro Serizawa : Killing them would be a mistake. They returned because of us. It was our atomic testing that awoke Gojira. Other creatures like the MUTOs. From strip-mining and seismic surveys. But these are not monsters! They are animals, rising to reclaim a world that was once theirs!
Senator Williams : It almost sounds like you're protecting them, Dr. Serizawa. As if you admire them.
Dr. Ishiro Serizawa : [grimly] I admire all forms of life.
Dr. Ishiro Serizawa : Senators. If we hope to survive, we must find ways to coexist with Titans. With Gojira.
Sam Coleman : What we are witnessing here, Senators - is the return of an ancient and forgotten superspecies. Godzilla. The MUTOs. Kong. We believe that these - Titans, and others like them, provide an essential balance to our world. And while some may pose a threat, Monarch - is uniquely prepared to determine which of these Titans are here to threaten us, and which of these Titans are here to pro-tect us.
Senator Williams : Thank you for the fifth grade history lesson, Mr. Coleman.