Sing (2016)
Leslie Jones: Meena"s Mother
Meena"s Mother : [comforting Meena after she fails to sing at Buster Moon"s audition] Oh, honey, please don"t cry. You are not a failure. There"ll be other chances, you just...
Meena"s Grandfather : Bah! The heck, there will!
Meena"s Mother : Dad, please.
Meena"s Grandfather : Come on! Don"t you want this?
Meena : Well, sure, but I messed it up.
Meena"s Grandfather : Then you gotta go back there tomorrow and say, Mr. Moon, I demand you let me re-audition! Be confident! Show "em you ain"t gonna be pushing around! You got that, Meena?
Meena : Um...
Meena"s Grandfather : Good. Now go get my cocoa.