This gameshow pits a team of three players against "the bridge". There are four rounds of multiple choice questions, and the team gets money for each correct answer. To successfully traverse the bridge, you must answer seven consecutive questions, but if you miss three questions along the way, that attempt is over.
In round one, two of the players attempt to cross, one at a time. The questions for each player relate to a single subject.
In round two, the remaining player attempts to cross. There is a slight increase in difficulty and payouts for each round.
In round three, they can choose which player will tackle the subject.
In the final round, they try to traverse the bridge as a team, and there are ten steps instead of seven. Each question has a different subject. One player starts and continues until an erroneous answer, when the next player steps in, etc. But if all three of them get an incorrect answer, the game is over and the team settles for $1,000 (instead of the money they accumulated during play).
Cameron Mathison is a bubbly host. But there is no studio audience, making the game feel sterile.
As for the questions asked, they are slightly easy sometimes, and other times they are somewhat obscure.