I fell asleep three times during this meandering creek of nothingness. The first fourth of the film sets up the fact that it is a documentary about a cult. I am not honestly sure if it ever defines the cult, the purpose of the cult, where these people came from and why we should empathize, etc. It may have at some point but I slept through it. It just moves so incredibly slow, the interviews are interspersed and not necessarily part of the current story. I don't know. I woke up at the end feeling relieved it was over and angry at the film makers. If this is supposed to make us feel bad for anyone it failed. I just felt contempt. Contempt for the voice actors doing the interviews and as always the mumbling and aiyuhuasca visuals and still images that weren't crime scene images but those generic things you see on youtube conspiracy theory videos. Those are somehow more engaging though. Maybe this was a tragedy. The storytelling definitely was... Thanks for the sleep I guess.