The series shows the events of the assassination of the Prime Minister of Serbia and the police action that followed the assassination. The screenwriters of the series failed to deal with the real events that happened. The whole series shows the false truth of the events that the government and secret service wanted to present last 20 years.
I understand that it is not up to the screenwriters to solve the real background of the murder that was not proven in court, but they could have dealt with some of the controversial events that are still of interest to the public today.
The scene of the assassination of the Prime Minister is poorly shot and clearly shows that it was shot from a single sniper with two bullets fired. But evidence in court shows that shots were fired with two snipers of different calibers and witnesses speak of three shots where made. This is just one example showing that the same people who were probably involved in the assassination approved this series to be filmed.
However, we should not be surprised because the series was filmed with government money and premiered on main state television.
5 stars only because of the actors who manage to make this series at least a little interesting.