Like Sunday, Like Rain (2014)
Leighton Meester: Eleanor
Reggie : I guess right around 4 I figured out I was sort of a math prodigy, solving pretty intricate math problems.
Eleanor : Like What.
Reggie : Multiplying 7 to 10 digit numbers in my head. I could give you the cube root of pretty much any number.
Eleanor : Like Rainman.
Reggie : No, he was an autistic savant. As you can tell, I"m alert, extroverted, affable and articulate...
Eleanor : Of course.
Reggie : ...and not to mention devilishly handsome.
Eleanor : Not to mention.
Reggie : You have a gift, and you have an obligation to take care of it.
Eleanor : What are you *talking* about? For all you know, I could be the worst cornet player in the whole world.
Reggie : I don"t think so. I don"t think you"d have been chosen for that all star band if that were the case. And you certainly wouldn"t have gotten into Julliard. It"s a crime to deprive the world of your art.
Eleanor : I thought you said art was dead.
Reggie : Yes, and it will remain that way if all the great artists abandon their cornets and move to Idaho... Just promise me you"ll come back to it. Promise me you"ll come back to your music.
Eleanor : I will if you will.
Reggie : Deal.
Reggie : It"s been really nice getting to know you.
Eleanor : You too.
Reggie : It"s hard to believe it"s only been a couple of months, I feel like I"ve known you -
Reggie : I have all these words, these things, things I feel the need to say to you. Only now, suddenly I don"t have the capacity to speak.
Eleanor : I couldn"t stay forever, you know? It was only supposed to be a temporary thing. It"s okay.
[Eleanor drops to her knees and they embrace]
Eleanor : Fifty-two bucks for a spinach salad?
Reggie : It"s a heck of a salad, trust me. Everything here is top notch. I usually order the wild mushroom risotto. Get whatever you like. I got this. We have an account here.
Eleanor : I guess just the garden salad.
Reggie : That"s all? Eat! This guy"s a world class chef.
Eleanor : What are we supposed to do for the next 6 weeks?
Reggie : This is New York City kid. There"s never a loss for things to do here, trust me.
Eleanor : I just seems wrong, you"re supposed to be in that camp.
Reggie : Camp Pinnacle is not an option for me, OK? It never was. Now let"s not refer to camp any more.
Reggie : [Eleanor getting obnoxious texts from Dennis] Another thing about Gerard, he used to work for John Gotti.
Eleanor : Who?
Reggie : Gerard, my driver, he used to be a soldier for Gotti.
Eleanor : Mmmm, is that so?
Reggie : He may still have some ties to some of those folks. I was thinking he might be of some assistance.
Eleanor : With What?
Reggie : Your situation.
Eleanor : I don"t follow.
Reggie : Your situation with your boyfriend.
Eleanor : Oh my God!
Reggie : He won"t be an issue in your life after that, trust me.
Eleanor : Are you outta your mind?
Reggie : It used to be his job.
[restraining a smile]
Eleanor : Would you just drop the subject please.
Reggie : He could just go and have a little talk with him.
Eleanor : I appreciate your concern and all.
Reggie : It"s just a suggestion.
Eleanor : I told you not to worry about any of that... Jesus!
Sylvia : Sounds like a great setup. I can"t believe how fast it all happened.
Eleanor : That"s what kinda scares me about the whole thing. I talked to the mother for about 10 minutes before she hires me to take care of their 12 year old son. Next thing I know I"m living there.
Sylvia : You totally lucked out. I mean, what"s the big deal?
Eleanor : They"re like gazillionaires. The house is the size of Grand Central. And what do I know about taking care of a 12 year old boy?
Sylvia : Free room and board, plus you get paid, what more could you want? And besides, you lived with Dennis for a year, you should be fine with a 12 year old.
Eleanor : I"m doing a horrible job.
Reggie : What are you talking about, you"re doing a great job.
Eleanor : No. I don"t want you to know about the stuff.
Reggie : What stuff?
Eleanor : My stuff, the sordid details of my breakups, the stuff that happens in my personal life. We don"t know each other that well, and you"re to young to understand.
Reggie : Don"t be too sure about that, I have a great deal of understanding.
Eleanor : God.
Reggie : Well beyond my years.
Reggie : The prospect of ending up a bitter and lonely drunk doesn"t quite appeal to me.
Eleanor : Okay.
Reggie : And not to mention the fact that art, as a language, is dead. It doesn"t matter what you have to say or how well you might be able to say it. Dead.
Eleanor : Kind of a bleak view.
Reggie : Yes, it is.