A documentary series following a team of officers from South Carolina's Sheriff's department, they explore the cases of Lorraine Garcia, Amirah Watson, David Taylor and Sierra Stevens, all of whom go missing without trace.
So, it's definitely a mixed bag, some of its good, some of it is really bad. I'll start with the negatives, too much effort goes into making it feel as though it was happening in real time. Multiple times the cameraman tries capturing the real life reactions from the officers to all manner of situations, personally I didn't like that side of it.
On the plus side, the cases are all very interesting, the good and bad that people do to one another, for good and bad reasons, there's nothing more interesting than human psychology, we get to see the effects of crime on The Officers as well as the family members, it reinforces the fact that they're Human too.
Each story has a degree of interest, poor David Taylor's story in particular was so interesting, a real tragedy. One gripe I had was the way in which Tony Garcia was treated in the first episode.
Netflix are capable of so much better, but it's ok.