Sex is often implied and many scenes are after couples have had sex but no full on sex scenes.
Two of the characters in the show work in a hospital as nurses and there is often scenes involving images where people have medical issues, such as man who fell over and stabbed himself with a bbq skewer, not too bloody but was clearly situated deep in the body.
Men are often seen drinking in the pub which can lead to fights/punch ups, nothing too bloody.
The parents often swear and it is not beeped out.
One of the characters works at a bar and often characters get/turn up drunk so alcohol is a used quite widely in the show.
One character was hit by a car, although we do not see this on screen, we hear the noise of her being hit and a close up on her eyes right before hand. This is not terrible but there are many flash backs with extreme close ups on the characters eyes which could frighten younger viewers. The sound and idea can be quite disturbing for some.