The cast travels by canal and horseback from Versailles to the coast in what appears to be a few hours at most (judging by the progression of the eclipse). This journey is today a two hour drive, and at the time would have taken at least a day at high speed.
The movie is only an hour and 38 minutes long; they used Artistic Licence Time Compression to fit it in.
The movie is only an hour and 38 minutes long; they used Artistic Licence Time Compression to fit it in.
None of the clothing is remotely authentic or true to the pictured time frame. One dress even has a zipper.
The Love Monument was built between 1777 to 1778, and commissioned by Marie Antoinette roughly 60 years after the death of Louis XIV.
The first confession sequence between the King and the Father does not make logical sense. They confirm that the King shared his bed with Mme Deveraux because "she's also brunette", however the assertions used to deduce this do not support their conclusion.