So first off this is clearly a romance movie. As an empath I'm probably one of the few men enjoying this genre.
There is not even comedy in it. In case you expect action, drama, suspense or cheap laughs - you're in the wrong place.
As a romance it clearly works. It's a feel good, enjoyable and relatable little romance on a budget.
Even though it was clear for me from the start who is in love with whom the characters don't know yet so we watch them realizing it slowly. This is actually intriguing.
When do the sparks fly exactly? Which gesture, word or break make the difference? Love in Focus really focuses on tiny nuances.
Sometimes it's too obvious for me yet for general audiences it probably won't.
Even though you know and expect them to fall for each other you still have to really look closely when and how it happens.
Thus this movie is epic in the original sense of the word. Even though we know the outcome we wonder "how do they get there"?
The drawbacks for most people will be that the movie is quite slow paced and most scenes play inside. So we don't see much happening or even the mountain scenery a lot.
There are no real problems or conflicts so we have the eerie feeling that it's "too good to be true". We're just conditioned to expect the next dramatic turn of events from other movies or our beliefs that "life is hard" and other popular myths.
Do you enjoy happy people becoming even happier? Then you will love this. For depressing, brutal or ridiculous scenes look up your average Hollywood production.
When you make it till the end this movie will make you a bit happier as well. If you can't hold your attention that long I recommend some meditation techniques to get over your attention deficit.