It's difficult to come up with enough instances of the word "bad" to describe this film -- bad script, bad acting, REALLY bad fight choreography, bad direction, bad music, bad everything. About the only thing it's got going for it is that it was shot in a few exotic locations, if you consider the tourist sections of Amsterdam exotic.
Rik Sinkeldam in the lead part is -- astoundingly -- a worse martial artist than he is an actor. If you watch the trailer and catch some of his wooden acting in it, you'll find it hard to believe that he could do anything worse. But he does. The martial arts in this film could be used as a training video for how NOT to do martial arts.
I guess what should have tipped me off is the same thing that should have tipped me off about the recent "Setup." That film -- also terrible -- tried to use Bruce Willis' name, in a tiny, uninspired part, to sell a horrible idea horribly implemented on film by a horrible director. This one does the same thing, using Michael Madson's name and brief appearance. The only thing that would make either of these films worth having been made in my opinion is that both actors are laughing all the way to the bank, having suckered a bunch of idiots into paying them a lot of money for one's day's work.