- Village Voice [Aaron Hillis]
- A Nutshell Review [Stefan S]
- A Short Synopsis of Film [Ron Shaker]
- Abus de ciné [Olivier Bachelard]
- French
- ACCION Cine-Video [Jesus Usero]
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- After The Rest [Tumah]
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- AllMovie [Jason Buchanan]
- Artechock [Rüdiger Suchsland]
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- Austin Chronicle [Marc Savlov]
- AV Maniacs [Steven Ruskin]
- Best-Horror-Movies.com [James Lasome]
- Blog Critics [Ross Miller]
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- Blog do Heu [Helvecio Parente]
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- Bloody Disgusting [Lauren Taylor]
- Blu-rayDefinition.com - Blu-ray [Brendan Surpless]
- Bonjour Tristesse
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- Bulletproof Action [Chad Cruise]
- Cin'Edhec [Romain Curutchet]
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- Cine para leer
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- Cine Tweets [Giorgos Kalapotharakos]
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- Cine y Letras. Revista de Cultura [Vicente Díaz]
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- CineFile.biz [Emanuele Rauco]
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- Cinefilos.it [Alice Vivona] (Italiano)
- Cinema Gonzo [Thomas Duke]
- Cinema Sojourns [Jeff Stafford]
- Cinemafantastique [Quentin Meignant]
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- Cinemafantastique [Winslow Leach]
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- Cinemagazine [Henny Wouters]
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- Cinemarama [David Obarrio]
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- Cinerama Film Online (Agnes Sajti)
- Cinespect [Ryan Wells]
- cinetastic.de [Ronny Dombrowski]
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- Cineycine.com [Alex Moraño]
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- ComingSoon.it [Federico Gironi]
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- Complexo C [Raphael Fontenelle] (Brazilian Portuguese)
- Cool Awesome Movies
- Critic's Notebook [Tim Hayes]
- critic.de
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- Culturopoing [Laura Tuffery]
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- D'Ment'D Cinema [Scott Ruth]
- Danas [Stefan Ivancic]
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- De Nachtvlinders [Frank Mulder]
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- Después de 1984 [Alan Smithee]
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- Dimension Fantastica [James Wallestein]
- Spanish
- DVD Holocaust [Matt]
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