The Guard (2011)
Gary Lydon: Gerry Stanton
Gerry Stanton : [while Clive Cornell is handing the bent coppers a briefcase of money] It"s all there, yeah?
Clive Cornell : Excuse me?
Gerry Stanton : It"s all there?
Clive Cornell : No, it"s not. I"ve skimmed a couple of grand off the top.
Gerry Stanton : What?
Clive Cornell : "Course it"s fucking all there. This is the pay-off, yeah? We pay you off, you and your pals keep your fucking noses out of our business. That"s the dynamic in this situation. Why the fuck would I then cheat you out your money? Eh? Why would I do that? That doesn"t make any sense. That"d defeat the entire purpose of the fucking interaction. Fuck me!
[walks away angrily]
Sergeant Gerry Boyle : [interrupting the briefing] I thought only black lads were drug dealers?
FBI agent Wendell Everett : I"m sorry, what?
Sergeant Gerry Boyle : I thought only black lads were drug dealers? And Mexicans. What do they call them. They have a word for them.
FBI agent Wendell Everett : Yeah, there"s a word for you too, sir. But I"m not gonna go into that right now. Anyway, as I was saying, these men are highly dangerous...
Sergeant Gerry Boyle : [blurting out] Mules. Drug mules.
Gerry Stanton : That"s enough of your guff now, Boyle. Apologize to the man.
Sergeant Gerry Boyle : Huh? Apologize for what?
FBI agent Wendell Everett : For your racist slurs, for one thing.
Sergeant Gerry Boyle : I"m Irish, racism is part of my culture.
Gerry Stanton : You know when you hear tell about someone being liquidated, you know, by the mob, like?
FBI agent Wendell Everett : Mm.
Gerry Stanton : What does that actually mean?
FBI agent Wendell Everett : Means they"ve been killed. I mean, what else would it mean?
Gerry Stanton : Yeah, I know that. But does it mean they"ve actually been turned into liquid?
FBI agent Wendell Everett : Heh, heh, heh. Turned into liquid.
[realizing he"s serious]
FBI agent Wendell Everett : No. Just killed.
Gerry Stanton : Yeah, I suppose turning someone into liquid would be too time-consuming, huh? Take ages.